Chapter two: stunned

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Ⓐll Baekhyun could do was to just stare. He knew he had to do something before he made a mistake. Baekhyun should've pretended not to know him. He couldn't let the members know they had a past together.

"Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun," he said whilst pretending to show respect and bowed. The members bought the act, but the tall male who just arrived stared at Baekhyun shocked - and utterly confused. "Nice to finally meet you. The members have talked a lot about you." Baekhyun tried to give him the hint to play it cool and pretend like this was their first meeting, but he just furrowed his eyebrows at Baekhyun.

"Channie, aren't you going to greet as well? Is something wrong?" He was about to speak up, but Baekhyun glared at him, and luckily everyone's attention was on him and not the new and final member, and he finally caught on Baekhyun's wish.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness. I'm Park Chanyeol," he introduced himself with a big smile and bowed as well. "You're the last member?" Baekhyun nodded slowly, trying not to hold the eye contact for too long. 

Chanyeol was smirking at Baekhyun as they sat down again and he sat right across of the petite boy. Baekhyun tried to get a conversation with Jongdae, who sat beside him, but he was too busy talking with Minseok - whose stage name was Xiumin. 

The nervous male glanced to his other side, but Jongin was busy talking with Kyungsoo. He sat there whilst everyone chatted with each other and hoped they'd include him. 

"What made you want to become a trainee Baekhyun?" Chanyeol suddenly asked whilst he felt his leg stroking his own under the table. He glared at him at first but noticed the others heard his question and were apparently curious about his answer. 

"Uhm, I've always liked to sing and when I was offered to join SM, I realised if I worked hard enough, I could get my dream come true," he answered and the others seemed fascinated. 

Chanyeol knew of this fact already about Baekhyun's interesting of singing and dancing, and they used to always sing together before. He often played his guitar and sang for Baekhyun, and he showed him his piano skills. They'd also sometimes sing a duet for fun. He had to admit he had a really good voice. It was relaxing listening to. Baekhyun thought about going with the flow and ask him, even though he knew the answer already. "What about you?" He didn't even look at him as he asked, but he knew the tall male smirked back at him.

"It's been my dream all along. I like to sing and play instruments. Performing with people that means the world to me and have fun is like a living dream. I know this group will be successful." 

The other members stared at him in awe, every single on grinning, everyone except Baekhyun who couldn't hide his frown. 

Baekhyun studied them, slightly jealous of how close everyone seemed to be already. He knew that they met a bit earlier than him, and it amazed him that how close they had become in just a short period of time. 

He wondered himself if he could pull it off like that. Getting close to all of them would be nice, he thought, except Chanyeol of course. That was also a reason why Baekhyun accepted joining the group: having people he cared for and would take a bullet for, and having mutual feelings. Baekhyun, of course, wouldn't be looking for more than just friends' relationship. After what happened with Chanyeol, he didn't want to be dating for a while.

"So, have you ever been in a relationship before?" Tao suddenly asked and shocked all of them.

"Tao, that's rude," Yifan - whose stage name was Kris - nudged him on the side and Junmyeon sighed. 

"You don't have to answer that Baekhyun. That's personal."

"I don't have anything against it. I mean, I want us to be close. I admit I was in a relationship right before I became a trainee. I was dumped," Baekhyun answered honestly and the others gave him curious looks.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Kyungsoo commented and gave him a sympathetic look. Baekhyun smiled and waved with both of his hands.

"No no, it's okay," he giggled, "I didn't say it to receive sympathy. I just want you to know that I won't keep a secret from you guys." Why the hell did I say that? I'm already keeping a secret from them. Telling them a lie to be exact. I'm pretending like this is my first meeting with Park Chanyeol. 

"Really?" Chanyeol smirked towards him, and Baekhyun gave him a small glare before looking away. If he dared to say anything I'd fucking kill him, Baekhyun cursed mentally to himself. He slowly nodded his head and Chanyeol's smirk grew wider.

"You seem to like him Chanyeol," Jongdae joked and the taller male chuckled.

"He's...interesting," he answered whilst staring at Baekhyun. He couldn't help but stare back. He had to make sure the other members wouldn't know about their shared past. 

He slowly reached his legs to nudge Chanyeol and his attention came to him; he pointed with his glance towards the restroom and Chanyeol slowly nodded, as he understood what Baekhyun wanted. 

"I'll be right back," he muttered as he got up and waited for Chanyeol to follow after some time. After he had waited outside the restroom for him, he finally came and walked up to the little boy.

"You like playing innocent?" Chanyeol smirked, earning a glare from Baekhyun. "I sure wasn't expecting you to be in this group," he chuckled and Baekhyun continued to just glare at him.

"You've probably noticed, right? Keep our past as a secret. Don't let them know about us," he murmured but made sure he heard him clearly.

"Why? Why is it so important that they don't know about us?" the tall male asked confused and furrowed his eyebrows.

"In order to forget it myself, other people can't know. You owe me that at least." 

After Baekhyun had said that, the giant boy seemed hurt, but the sassy boy didn't care. He didn't care how much he hurt the other male, therefore he didn't see a reason for him to care about him. He just wanted him far away from him, though that plan seemed to become slightly harder when they were placed in the same group together, and already had plans to debut with all twelve of them. 

"Fine," he said finally after a long pause. Baekhyun gave him a small nod and walked past him and back to the other members waiting for him. 

He felt like a weight on his shoulders had disappeared, and didn't have to worry about the giant telling them about their past, and he knew that he never broke his promises. Even if Baekhyun still hated him, he still knew him. Unfortunately.

"Sorry for taking so long," Baekhyun excused himself, but they just smiled.

"Did you see Chanyeol? He also went to the restroom," Junmyeon asked and Baekhyun pretended to be shocked.

"Really? No, I didn't see him."

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