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They sat upstairs in the room where Savannah had seen the woman standing earlier, Kelly giving the boys the inside of this part of the hotel.

She started off by explaining that there was 36 spirits that they were aware of, all having different personalities. Some may be shy, friendly, active. While others could be angry, annoyed spirits, Savannah certain the spirits in the basement was one of those.

"Here was originally where the barber used to live. The barber–Peter had a three year old named Rosie" Kelly explained, pointing to the door marked Rosie.

"Maybe that's the child you saw in the basement" Seth said gesturing to his sister, Sam and Colby humming in agreement.

"Could well have been, i've caught her down there a few times" Scott confirmed as he stood in the doorway of one of the rooms.

"In 1911 Rosie wandered across the street, the newspaper stated that she lifted up the lid to the well and fell inside" The room went quiet, Savannah glancing over to the child's room in sympathy.

"After that they converted the space into a brothel. One room dedicated to the three year old and the others to our ladies of the evening."

"All three of these names, do they haunt the place?" Sam asked, pointing to each name.

"Yes, Anna I'd say is the strongest of the three. She'd love to come and talk" Kelly confirmed with a nod.

Josh then explained that the last time they had came to the hotel Anna had actually invited him to come into her room. He lay down on the bed and felt a ghostly hand drift across his leg. All captured on camera.


"She said yes" Savannah told them, hearing the voice echo from the room.

"You heard her too?" Scott asked, the woman nodding as Colby shone the bright light in her face.

Kelly continued to explain the history of the building, telling them that there was many battles in this town. They were even certain that they had a native american spirit that haunted the hotel; they called them the wolf.

"The dark spirit?" Savannah whispered to herself, hearing footsteps walking up the stairs beside them.

Just as Sam began speaking about seances the devices that Scott had began to go off. The small box glowing different colours on the table along with the temperature box.

At Sam's request the all gathered in a circle and began doing a seance of their own. Colby giving the camera to his partner before taking a seat beside Savannah.

They invited any spirits to make contact with them, she was met with darkness as she closed her eyes allowing her to focus. Focus on the spirit realm and the beings who live in it.

Scott then speaking up confessing that the bodyguard had made contact with him, asking if Kelly was certain she wanted to attract the other spirits. Kelly telling him to bring it on, unafraid if the spirits that roamed around her home.

Suddenly the group began to freak out, Josh pointing out that the flashlight that was placed on the bed had turned on by its self. Colby rose to his feet, his large hand placed on Savannah's upper leg to balance him.

She tensed at his touch, his body blocking her view of her boyfriend meaning he didn't see it. Kelly began speaking to the spirit, requesting for them to turn the light back off which it immediately obeyed. The men gasping and cursing in disbelief.

"Holy Shit" Colby said, his hand giving her leg a small squeeze before taking it away as he sat back down. "Is it still on?"

Sam shook his head before talking to the camera. "I have never seen anything like that, what the fuck."

Souls * Colby Brock *Where stories live. Discover now