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Savannah had never been more thankful that Colby had given her his hoodie as the next stop on their night was a walk around the building in hunt for baby Rosie yet again.

Standing on the porch waiting for the others Josh and Savannah listened to the silence of the night. The breeze making the aftershave attached to the hoodie travel up her nose, her heart warming at the beautiful smell.

"You gonna be ok sleeping by yourself tonight? Seth looked up a place a few miles across town we'll drive you there once we're done filming" He told her, placing his hand under the hoodie and around her waist.

"I don't think i want to go anymore, i've calmed down a bit now and don't feel like anything bad is going to happen tonight. But i'm not going back in that fucking basement."

Just as she seen his head lean down towards hers, the door opened and the four figures walked out. Sam took the lead with the camera, telling their viewers about what they planned on doing next.

"Keep it PG Josh, cameras are rolling" Colby commented as he huffed down the steps, a packet of cheese-its in his hand.

Savannah pulled her phone out to check the time before following the group. She stuck behind, not used to being on camera as much despite her brother and boyfriend being youtubers, they respected her privacy.

The well was only across the street, and as she checked her texted from her friend Sadie she found that a body was now walking next to her. Glancing to the side she caught Colby digging into the packet and crunching loudly.

"Your mouth always make that much noise while you eat?" She complained, hearing him chuckle lowly.

"Your the first person to complain, and you ain't even tried it yet" He teased, his smirk barely visible in the dull light.

She watched him bring his thumb up to his mouth and suck on the tip of it, attempting to get all the cheese crumbs off it. Savannah stared wide eyed, feeling butterflies form in her stomach which she blamed on the paranormal effects.

"But with Josh I'm sure he's much to scared to even dream of going near a woman" He said, making her blood pressure rise at him assuming she was a virgin, or even that Josh was frigid.

Without even thinking she grabbed the finger he was about to stick into his mouth and placed it straight into her own, licking it thoroughly. Tasting the cheesy tang as she stared up at him, his pupils blowing wide and she could of swore his eyes got darker. The tip of his ring brushing against her top like sending a shiver down her spine.

"Josh can do wonders. I'm sure your women fake it, I sure as hell don't have to" She told him, pushing his hand into his chest and walking at a fast pace to catch up with the others. Proud of herself for not giving into his teasing.

Maybe she did tell a few white lies when speaking to him. Josh was sweet and loving but most of the time she did have to fake it, for his pleasure. He knew what he was doing but went about it the way he was used to, not the way she liked.

And whenever Savannah suggested doing it differently he would always shut her down, accusing her of wanting him to be like everyone else. With the life she lived she wanted someone to be controlling her, telling her what to do–a strange kink but she loved dominance.

She didn't want a controlling person in general; only in the bedroom. The movies she had watched when the men took charge made her crumble, but those would only be fantasies she could never live out with Josh. To correct Colby–Josh was the boring one.

They came to a large stone block in the middle of the grass, Savannah standing beside Seth as Scott explained what happened to poor Rosie. The woman couldn't understand how a three year old child could wander across the street and fall into the well.

Souls * Colby Brock *Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon