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The pair pulled into the traphouse driveway, Savannah still trying to comprehend the events that unfolded a few minutes before. More so at the fact that Seth had taken his side, her own brother.

Colby turned off the vehicle, laying back in his chair and sighing loudly. Feeling guilty for the whole argument between the couple, plus the fact he had ruined his friendship with both Josh and Seth.

"I don't say this often" He began, causing her head to turn to him. "But i'm sorry, for being the cause of you and Josh breaking up. He did deserve the punch though."

Savannah couldn't help but laugh, despite finding the situation unfunny. "Yeah...I suppose he did." She answered, turning her head to her lap and closing her eyes softly.

After a few moments of peaceful silence between the two, they exited the slowly cooling vehicle and made their way towards the large house. The sunlight illuminating the open space as it creeps through the door, Savannah still mesmerized by how beautiful the house was.

The house was silent much different to the atmosphere the previous night, however the smell of alcohol and sex still polluted the air. Along with the many empty solo cups scattered around the entire house, Savannah knew now that the trap house sure as hell knew how to throw a party. And she was certain that she would be attending many more.

Her still teary eyes glanced over to the stairs as she caught a glimpse of Colby's darkly dressed body ascend up them, placing his vape between his lips as he did so. Those same lips that she could still feel lingering over her own, the unholy images of the pair resurfacing in her mind. Unknowingly letting out a soft moan like sigh, loud enough to catch the males attention.

Their eyes meeting one anothers as he stopped in his tracks, the fog from his vape clouding their connection though they never broke contact. "I'm heading for a shower, your welcome to join me" He spoke with a seductive look in his eyes. As much fun as it was last night Savannah couldn't get Josh out of her head and for her that was a major turn off.

"Think i'll pass on that one Brock, your dick isn't worth a second dose of painkillers" She lied, she would very much like to feel his touch against her skin, however after seeing the heartbroken expession on Josh's face she felt even more guilty then she already did.

"Suit yourself princess" He replied continuing his journey up the white staircase, Savannah's eyes widening as he began removing his shirt as he reached the top. Her palms growing sweaty as she scanned his prominent back muscles.

She shook her head draining her mind of the toe curling fantasies and slowly bent down to retrieve a red plastic solo cup. Turning it upright and dropping it into a second identical one despite the darkly shaded lipstick printed on the top. Repeating the process with another 4 cups and placing them onto the small desk next to the archway, alongside plenty of half drunk, saliva infested alcohol left behind.

Walking into the dimly lit hallway she made her way towards the kitchen, heading straight for the worktop where she hurriedly placed a variety of cups together and placing herself in the newly created space. A chill running through her body as her legs came into impact with the freezing counter top, twisting her body round so she could play around with the radio.

The lyrics of Bruno Mars softly whispering to her before Savannah gripped the volume dial and slowly turned it left, feeling ever small click under her fingertips. Bruno's serenading gradually getting  louder, for someone who ingested a worrying amount of alcohol more then 12 hours ago. Letting her hair down which gained a small amount of weight onto her back as she softly swayed with the rhythm.

"Too young, too dumb to realize."

"Too young, too dumb to realize" She sang, pouring an abandoned full cup of drink down the sink before throwing it into the large black bag in her hand. Repeating the tactic multiple times, making the bag fuller and cleaning the kitchen quicker.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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