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Scott explained to the group the different spirits and what happens to them, how they evolve into the dark shadows which they see. It doesn't necessarily mean they are evil it could just be that they have evolved into the spirit realm.

Throughout his stories he kept apologising to Savannah about how he may have came across rude. He was just surprised to meet someone who could see them that hadn't went mad, like the people he had met that were now held in a mental hospital.

In all honesty it terrified her to know that one day that could happen to her. He also stated the obvious that tonight would be much worse for her, and how he felt a strong connection when they shook hands.

Sam asked him about his experiences in the house which the man happily explained that when he first arrived someone whispered into his ear. And despite him being a medium it was rare to hear spirits speak normally. It's more of a mind thing.

"I'm sure you yourself would agree that it isn't often you hear them fully speak" He said, raising a hand towards the woman.

"Extremely rare even for people like us" She replied, Colby's head turning down to her as she spoke.

They decided that it was around about the time to begin their exploration, the group thanking Scott for meeting them. Him once again apologising to Savannah before the group parted to collect their equipment.

Savannah's room was at the end of the hall beside Colby's, her hearing them talk loudly into their camera as she quickly grabbed a drink. She heard them more mainly because she had left her door open, only going in for a few seconds she felt no need to close it.

She kept the bottle outside of her bag, her throat getting extremely scratchy as she began to feel the same suffocating feeling she felt the last time she was here. Just like Seth she had to take a minute last time because the pain and side effects of being around the paranormal was getting too much.

This building had loads of spirits living in it and most of them felt harmless to her. But she hadn't met them all.

Suddenly a knock came from her open door causing her eyes to open and for her to realise she was lying on the bed. Standing in the open doorway was Sam, with Colby lurking behind him.

"You ready?" The blonde asked with a friendly smile. Sam was nice, seemed like a person you could be best friends with in elementary school. Colby on the other hand seemed like the type to be your bully.

"Ready as I'll ever be" She breathed, taking her bottle from the desk and approaching them. Only then realising that they were a good head taller than her.

They walked with her down the stairs, everyone gathering in the kitchen as Kelly pressed buttons on one of the doors. A door in which Josh and the siblings never got to enter last time.

The second she entered the room she felt so many different emotions that she stumbled, a rather large hand coming up to steady her. She didn't even have to turn to know who it was, the cold rings against her skin was a huge give away.

Her eyes darted around the room as the many bodies filled the small area, standing beside Josh as the youtube duo found a trap door.

Scott explained the history behind it and how this was where the owner of the hotel used to hide bodies and illegal alcohol he sold.

They all climbed down the steep wooden stairs into the small room below. Immediately Savannah felt as if the area in the room had grew smaller, indicating that they had been joined by two other people.

"There is two men here with us" She told them, Scott nodding in agreement. "Older men, energy 1 maybe 2. My guesses are that they were victims that's bodies had been stored down here."

Souls * Colby Brock *Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon