Small Gesture

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The energy in the house seemed to die down as the night went on, and with it, the pain in my leg grew more and more. The bullet wound from only two weeks ago had started bothering me early in the morning but I didn't think too much of it. 

Now, as I sit on the edge of the bathtub, I'm trying to clean up my wound as part of the stitches broke without me noticing. I would guess it's from the running yesterday but they could've broken at any point underneath the bandages. 

I turn the faucet of the tub on and let the water run over my calf. Grabbing a towel to stuff in my mouth, I grab some hydrogen peroxide and start cleaning out the wound. The water pooling in the ceramic slowly being dyed red as more and more blood ran down. 

And then, there I was, screaming in this dumb towel trying not to be loud but...

One of the stitches broke again in my rush, causing me to yelp fairly loudly. I flinch back at the sudden outburst as I heard frantic footsteps approaching the bathroom. 

"(Y/N)? Are you okay in there?" Tord asked in a soft voice, just loud enough to be heard over the water. 

"Define 'okay' for me," I say a bit sarcastically.

He sighed on the other side of the door, "Alright dumb question but, am I okay to come inside the bathroom?"  I rolled my eyes a small smile on my lips. 

"I see no reason why not, I suppose." The door creaked open and Tord peeked his head inside. Almost immediately as he noticed the mass amount of blood on my hands he rushed down to his knees, grabbing the first aid kit by my side. 

"Jhavla (Y/N), what happened? This is a deep laceration." He grabbed the hydrogen peroxide that I had almost thrown across the room in pain. He soaks a small rag in the stuff and as gently as possible, presses it against my calf. 

I hiss in pain and almost flinch away from him, trying to ignore the pain as much as possible. "Accident back home but I guess I broke the stitches yesterday or something," I say through clenched teeth as I squeezed my eyes shut. 

"Hmm," he hums as he pulls the rag away. He pulls off his hoodie and hands it to me, "Hold onto this, cause it's gonna hurt here in a second. I have to re-stitch part of this." 

I hold onto it and squeeze it in preparation, "Thank you, for helping me and all that..."

"No problem," he said as he threaded the needle. Why we had this in a first aid kit is beyond me but once he got it through, I wasn't prepared. 

The moment he started his work I dipped my head into the hoodie and screamed as I tried to not tighten the muscles in my leg. The area was already sensitive as is but sewing together the skin isn't exactly painless. 

Once he got done sewing, he cleaned up the area, put a new bandage over it, and wrapped it up in gauze. The tap was turned off as I looked up, watching as Tord put away the supplies and disinfected a bit of the equipment. 

I tried to move my leg slightly and felt pin needles climb up my leg. I groan and lay my head back down. Dumb bullet wound.

Once everything had been put away, he picked me up bridal style and took me to my room. Laying down on my bed, I gave up trying to move my leg on my own and let him adjust it to be elevated. 

He turned back to me and asked, "Do you need anything before I go?" I thought for a moment but couldn't think of much so shook my head no. He nodded and left quietly to go to his own room. I sat there for a few moments going through my phone when I realized I still had Tord's hoodie with me. 

He just left it with me? I won't deny that it was a lot warmer than my own though so I shrugged it off and put it over my own hoodie to sleep in. 

Drifting off into a dreamless sleep, I kept thinking about the small gesture and felt my face heating up. Snuggling into the fabric I finally blacked out.

Fun fact, as I was bent down, a pot fell off the table so when my friend took me to the nurse I learned a new word. I just had 'laceration' stuck in my head and it's still partially bleeding but I wanted to use my new word. Anyways, tldr there's a cut on my head from school and i learned a new word. 

Anyway, shorter than usual cause I was working on an animation and forgot that it was indeed Wednesday, not Sunday.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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