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Tord and I walked into homeroom and while I took the back seat in the corner, Tord took a seat in the middle of the class. I noticed all of the girls were looking at him like he's some bad boy or something.

I don't know what those girls are thinking but Tord is probably some idol to them. Whatever, I need to get to work. I sat at my desk and pulled out a notebook, flipping it to some random page in the middle.

I started working on a chemical formula to test out at home. It was supposed to heal broken bones but I haven't tried it yet and I only had the idea last night.

I worked on the serum formula for a good ten minutes until I heard someone sitting on the desk next to me. I looked to the side and saw it was Tord. He was trying to look over at my notebook. Oh hell, no!

I closed the book and stuffed it into my desk."What have you got there (Y/N)?" Tord asked me. Think, think! It ain't that hard to lie! "Oh, it's just something for chemistry...yeah, chemistry class" I stuffed my hand in my hoodie pocket but took it out so he didn't see me holding the pistol.

"Sure, okay (N/N)." He gave me this look that flat out said 'I know your lying'. I looked everywhere but him and saw that girls were just staring at him like they had nothing else better to do

Some of those girls gave me death glares that spelled out jealousy. Honestly, what has Tord done here? Girls are head over heels for him but he's not interested in them.

Desperate to get out of this situation, I decided to change the subject. "So... Tord, what were you doing before you tried looking at my notebook?" He tried avoiding eye contact but I already saw a pink color dusted his face.

"Nothing, so... you're Tom's sister. What happened?" Now it was his turn to change the subject."Oh, right. You don't know about that story, do you." He turned back to me, pink still on his cheeks but were fading quickly away.

"No, you never mention your past life," he said to me.

"Well, as you already know. I am 4 years younger than him but I was intelligent for my age. He and I were very close until the bear killed my father. It got a hold of a gun and killed him and when that happened, I didn't know what to do so I ran away and lived in the forest. Killing animals just so I could have food." I finished.

"Wow, I'm so sorry for you." He said. He pulled me into a hug and at that point, I was too surprised to do anything but just let it happen. During those few seconds though, I felt my cheeks rise up in the heat and I knew I was blushing.

As soon as he let go, I pulled up my hood to cover my face so he didn't see that I was probably as red as his hoodie. I was saved by the bell notifying the first period, so I packed up my things and waited for Tord to show me where the class was.

We walked down the halls avoiding eye contact for as long as possible until we got to chemistry. We sat down at a table and pulled out our notebooks. The professor came to the front of the class and said.

"For the first day, you are going to be using the chemicals and figuring out a formula that will help you burn a piece of wood like acid. I trust you remember the rules from last year, so begin!"

I instantly flipped to the first few pages of my notebook and looked over the page quickly before closing it again and getting right on to work. That page had a formula for this chemical that I worked on 3 years ago, I knew it would come in handy.

Tord, on the other hand, went to get a textbook and started scribbling down notes until he saw that I was already mixing chemicals. He gave me this look like he was trying to solve something, but I just smiled at him and continued to work.

I was the first one done, obviously, and Tord and I were the only ones to get it correct, even with different formulas. I didn't expect anything less from him, I mean as well as Purple army, the Red Army was trying to figure out healing serums so he should have experience with this kind of stuff.

After the chemistry class, we had P.E. where we would also be meeting the others. Tord showed me the gym and changing rooms before going into the boy's changing room and me into the girls.

After I was changed, I went into the gym and sat on the bleachers until everyone else was changed. Finally, the whole class was out here and Tom, Tord, Edd, and Matt were sitting around me having their own conversation.

The P.E. teacher blew his whistle and said we were doing laps. He led us all outside to the track field and lined us up. "Hey, anyone up for a race?" The guys agreed and we got lined up at the track.

We only had to do two laps so we just did that for the race and once coach blew the whistle, the race would start. Once the whistle blew, we ran. Matt was the first one to start walking and close to the end of the first lap, Edd had also given up.

We were halfway done with the second lap and I wasn't even breaking a sweat. Tom had trapped on something so he was out so that left Tord and me.

The white line we had to cross was near but Tord was in the same position as me, ready to do 3 miles before actually getting tired. I found some boost of speed and ran ahead but so did he and we were neck and neck.

We ended up in a tie and walked over to the tree shade near the track." how were you able to tie with me, no one has ever come close except jehov- I mean Tom. But even then, he's still 20 feet behind me." Tord questioned me.

"Well, I had a lot of free time with online school so I had nothing much to do except run at the park" I can't tell him that it's because of training. Just go with the flow. He gave me this look that again had that look like I'm suspicious of something.

Just keep it cool (Y/N). He can't suspect you of anything yet, can he? Well, if he does I can just quit school and go back to the base. Or have to kill him-no! Don't kill him, just think of something else to talk until everyone else gets here.

I hope this is good, bye!

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