Prolouge part 2

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I got a roll of bandages out of my backpack and carefully walked towards the man. He looked like he was in his 20's and he was definitely bleeding a lot from his right leg. I saw the bullet to his left so at least he took it out.

As I got closer to him, he noticed me and pulled out his pistol from his pocket. I pulled out mine but lowered it. If I have it pointed at him, he won't let me help him. I took a deep breath and put the gun away.

I continued walking towards him. "W-who are you?" He finally said something to me but I guess he was still a bit cautious because I had a weapon on me.

"Sir, please just stay calm. I'm trying to help you, and I could do it a lot quicker if you trust me enough to put the gun down and not point it at a 5-year-old," I said to him. He calmed down a bit and put away the gun.

I walked over to him and sat down next to the wounded leg. I pulled out my canteen and poured out a bit of the water to wash out the wound. He flinched and gritted his teeth but otherwise, he stayed pretty still.

I got the bandages again and my kitchen knife. I cut off the pant leg near the wound and I wrapped his leg with the bandages as tight as I could.

"Is that good?" I asked as I looked at the now bandaged leg. I looked at him and he nodded his head. I got up and grabbed my knife climbing up the tree he was against.

I cut off a sturdy branch and climbed back down. I cut down the smaller branches and shaved it down as best as I could making him a walking stick. I came back to him with the stick and gave it to him.

"You better get back to your soldiers. I'll help you there, whether you want me or not. You can't stand," I grabbed my things and put them back into my backpack and helped him up.

I let him use me as a crutch and we walked back to the red army base were as we got closer, heard the cheers of some soldiers and others looking for their leader.

We finally saw them and two soldiers, I'm guessing his right-hand men, came up to him and asked him questions. "Where were you? Who is this? What happened to your leg?" The leader silenced them and told me to walk with him.

I did as he said and what he did was got the soldiers attention as he walked to the front of them. They all stared at me but I just ignored them and kept helping their leader walk.

He was speaking to them about their victory, how they fought, etcetera. Then he got to the point where he was shot close to the end of the attack and how I helped him, saying how I was a sign of hope that they will rule.

He looked down at me and back to his soldiers. "If it weren't for this young girl here, I would've bled to death out in the forest. You are to treat her with respect back at the base for she is your next leader."

My eyes widened at the statement and I looked at his beaming face, all soldiers were cheering for me. "Thank you, sir," is all I was able to say.

Eventually, vans came with the purple army symbol and soldiers alike were walking into them, as well as the leader and me.

I guess I'm adopted now, and the future Purple Leader. So much has happened today I don't think anything can top this.

We made it to one of the purple army bases and that's where I signed some adoption papers and asked about my past.

The next day, I was sent to my new dad's home where a room was prepared. I was going to train, go to online school, and occasionally go to the base through the tunnels underneath the house so I was trained to be a leader here.

This is where my new life begins I guess.

Well, that's pretty much the prologue. I hope you like the backstory and I'm going to try and post another chapter today. Bye!

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