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Okay, this is my first Eddsworld story do I'm super bad and although I do have ideas, it'll take me a long time to write them down into here so don't expect many updates but I'll try to update as regularly as possible. To the story!

(Y/N)-your name

(L/N)-last name

(F/C)-favorite color

(F/F)-favorite food


(More will be added on later, also lots of time skips and may have another part and is mostly in your pov. Okay, bye)


It was the dead of night and I was packing my last belongings into my backpack. I checked the time at my old clock. 12, perfect. I slung the backpack over my shoulders and snuck downstairs going to the back door.

This is it, you can do this and then you won't have to live in this household anymore. Yeah, that's something to look forward to.

I walk out and go into the forest. I'm really sorry brother, I'll find you one day. I continue to trudge throughout the forest until I was sure I was deep enough.

I look around and spot a good tree that would be nice to climb on. I secure my backpack and start climbing up finding a forked branch that I could sleep on.

I take off my belt and tie it around my waist and the tree branch making sure I don't fall from here. I make my backpack comfy enough to sleep on and I slowly drift off.

This is a good start, maybe I can start hunting tomorrow so I won't have to resort to my granola bars yet.

I opened my eyes and was staring at the blinding sun coming up from the horizon. From what I can tell, it's about 6 so neither Thomas or my mom would be awake yet.

I unbuckle my belt and tie it around my waist again. I put my backpack back on and started climbing down to the ground. (Yeah, cause where else can you go) I look around and listen to the sounds of the forest, looking for any indication of animal life.

What was that? I heard a rustling of bushes somewhere off towards the south. Maybe it's a deer, let's hope for a fawn so I can outrun it better.

I pulled out the kitchen knife in my backpack and slowly crept towards the noise. I looked around and was right, it was a fawn drinking from a small pond of water.

I walked around the perimeter of the pond until I was in the bushes right behind the small deer. I readied my knife and sliced the back leg and backed up some wouldn't get hit with the hooves.

The little fawn was trying to run but it kept failing due to its injury. I walked from behind it and walked to the front of it seeing the fear in its eyes. I'm sorry little fawn. I readied the knife again and cut at its neck.

It was dead.

~time skip~

I was walking around the forest trying to find my way back to my fireplace. It's been a few months already since I left, I wondered how my mom and brother are doing.

Oh, stop thinking about that. Dad wouldn't have wanted them sad and they should know that I wouldn't either, I know they are going to be okay.

"Hey! What are you doing here!" Shoot, I forgot I was near Yellow's base! I turned to my left and saw a tall man in a yellow turtle neck, blue overcoat, black pants, and brown army boots.

I ran and heard him following behind me cocking his pistol. Shoot, just keep running! I twisted and turned around trees but I couldn't shake him off my tail.

Only one thing left to do. As soon as I got ahead of him enough, I climbed up a tree as quickly as I could and waited. I could see him stopping below me looking around. Now or never. I lept off the branch, knife in hand and got on his shoulders.

I took the knife in front of his neck and slit his throat. He fell face-first into the grass and I got off of him. I took his pistol and ammo along with his overcoat that I could use. I wiped the blood off my knife on his sweater causing it to smear.

I think that's the fourth yellow one, why are these ones the easiest to kill though. Are they just that bad to be beaten by a 5-year-old?

I start walking back into the opposite direction hoping I can find the campfire before 3, seriously my food and backpack are back there and I'd hate to lose them.

~time skip~

Okay, get your lazy butt up and find some food. I got up and took my backpack as I start walking towards the river, hopeful I can find some fish.

Once I got over there, there was no fish but there was a red liquid in the river. I picked up a stick and dipped it into the river, swirling it around.

So it isn't thick but it ain't food dye. It seems like it's trying to decide to be either the water or that red liquid so it's probably blood and a lot of it. Maybe an animal made a kill somewhere upstream.

Where there's a kill, there's food so I followed the river upstream in hope to at least get a rabbit. I eventually got to the root of the blood flow but it was no animals kill, it was a shot soldier of the Red army.

Shoot, there's an attack going on, but who is fighting Red? I decide to walk towards the attack just to see what was going on. I finally started to hear the gunshots and yelling of soldiers and so I climbed up a tree, just so that wouldn't spot.

If there was an attack, soldiers usually mistake me as a purple army soldier's kid since I always wear my purple hoodie so best to stay hidden. I got to the top of the tree but still couldn't see anything so I just climbed to the different branches of the other trees.

I eventually saw that it was a purple army attack on the red army. A lot of commotion was coming from the red army but from what I could see, they were winning.

Meh, why the heck not. I mean, I've always respected the purple army and I'd hate to see its demise right now. I pulled out the sniper from my back and pulled out some ammo from my pocket.

I loaded the gun and started killing off the red army soldiers from up here. They looked like they were in a panic when they're soldiers started dropping dead out of nowhere.

Eventually, the red army soldiers retreated back into their base and purple was cheering in victory. Some were coming out of the forest below me and some were red army soldiers trying not to be detected.

I climbed down out of my tree and started heading back to the river when I heard someone cursing to themselves about a bullet shot. I followed the noise, making sure I stood hidden in the trees and found a purple army soldier trying to use leaves as bandages on their leg.

I looked at their uniform more carefully and saw their name tag was purple leader, the purple leader himself!

What do I do, do I just stand here or do help him. Maybe he can give me food since the attack scared off all the games around here. Just choose already!

I found myself pulling out the bandages out of my backpack.

Wow, this was long but I'm going to continue the prologue next chapter so yeah, bye!

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