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I sigh and facepalm as the two men bicker at each other. "Out of my way, Commie!"

"You move it Jehova!" I snap my head up at the two and step in the center of the hallway

"Hey! What have I said about you two calling each other those names!" I shout at the two, Tord was more surprised while Thomas glares at me which I gladly return the favor. He shook his head and looked away from me as I turn my attention to the Norwegian man.

"When did you get here (Y/N)?" he asked. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Wow, not even a 'hi'? A 'how're you doing?' but for the record, I got here just before Edd started cooking," I answer. Thomas walked away from Tord and purposefully hit me in the shoulder as he passed me into the kitchen. I growl under my breath for a second before turning around and motioning Tord to follow me.

"So, I wasn't aware of the fact that you were in London. Nevermind you moving in," he said. I shrug my shoulders as I drop my arms to my side.

"Edd reached out to me awhile back, not sure how he got my number, but he asked if I wanted to and I wanted to visit the town again anyways," I simply replied as we walked towards the kitchen table.

"Wait, are you not staying for long?" he questioned, raising his eyebrow as he does so.

"Of course I'm staying for a while! I'm just not entirely sure for how long, you know, in case anything comes up." I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination but I swear he looked relieved at my answer. We take up two seats, Tord at the side of the table while I was back next to Matt. Thomas being across from Matt with the last empty chair for Edd next to him.

"It'll be nice to have you around here now, it's been so long since I've seen you!" he excitedly replied. I wouldn't say that but I'm not going to correct him.

"Definitely! To have people around will be a nice change." I smile as Edd starts placing down plates of food in front of each of us. I look down to find (F/F) on my plate. My eyes widened in excitement and I immediately dug in, we didn't have this often back at the army.

Tord chuckled at my actions before eating some himself. Dinner wasn't that eventful, Edd and Matt would converse with each other and sometimes Tord or Thomas made a comment every once in a while but if they started to argue again, I'd clear my throat and glare at them to shut up before going back to eating.

"Amethyst," Edd addressed me.

I looked up from my plate to him, "Yeah? What is it?"

"I was wondering if you could do the dishes for tonight since we usually have a chore schedule here," he explained to me.

I nodded my head in agreeance, "Sure, I'll be happy to get on that." I stood from my chair, taking my empty plate with me, and approached the sink to wash my dish and the cookware Edd used. I stayed by the sink, getting handed plates by the others to wash while they headed for the living room.

Thomas was the last one to finish but instead of handing me his plate, he unexpectedly dropped it in the water-filled basin, causing me to tense up and get covered in water. I happened to be washing a butter knife at the time so when I felt a sudden pain in the palm of my hand, I wiped my eyes and looked down to see I was grasping the knife by the blade. I gently pull the sharp silverware out of my skin and run water over the cut as I turn to glare at Thomas.

He was standing in the kitchen doorway with a rather smug look on his face before he turned from my glaring nonexistent eyes. Once he was out of sight, I turned back to my injury to see the water in the sink was partially dyed a crimson red. I shut off the faucet and pulled out any dishes to be saved from slight staining, placing them on the counter next to me.

I looked around the cupboards and finally found what I was looking for, a first aid kit. I try to do my best one-handed, disinfect and wrap my hand, but it's hard when using my non-dominant hand. When I'm satisfied with the wrapping I hurriedly drain the sink and use clean water and soap to finish the dishes and head to my room.

I change out of my water-soaked clothes into some pajamas for the night and leave it at that. I head to the carpeted living room with my sock covered feet dragging behind me. I can usually up much later but there was the time zone difference that seemed to catch up to me, having recently visited a Blue Army base that was on the east side of Russia.

There wasn't much room for me on the couch so I sat on the floor, leaning on the couch's armrest. I brought my knees closer to me and rested my chin on them, wrapping one arm around them while my bandaged one was laying on my side. There was some zombie movie playing on the television screen but soon sleep took over me and I fell asleep to the background noise.

When I woke up again, I could feel myself being carried bridal style but refusing to open my eyes, I was stuck wondering who was carrying me. I know Edd and Matt could not carry me so it was down to Thomas and Tord. Unless the person carrying me is going to leave me outside then the person would have to be Tord. Realizing this, I was not going to show I was awake so I slowed down my breathing in an attempt to fall back asleep.

I heard a door open and then myself being placed down on a bed, so it was Tord. He brushed my bangs away to reveal both of my closed eyes before leaving my side. I could hear his retreating footsteps but before he closed the door I could hear him whisper, "Goodnight, min droning."

Having learned multiple languages since I was small, I knew what he was saying. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and buried my face into my pillows.

High school is the worst ~Ama

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