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How could this happen to me? Sorry, but we have been getting project after project and I can't keep up with it all -Amethyst

As I sat on my bed with my head in my hands, one thought was running through my mind. Did Pau recognize me enough that he could relay the information to Tord and then he would find out I was there?

The mention of it made me sick but it isn't as bad as me in my Purple Army uniform and being revealed. I had heard footsteps by my door a few times but right when I thought they were approaching my door, I hear the opening of a different door.

Eventually, I had the courage to come out of my room until I heard the front door open and running footsteps towards the door. I freeze, arm reached out for the doorknob as I hear the steps stop and a soft knock follows. "(Y/N)? Are you in there?," a familiar Norwegian accented voice asked.

I wasn't sure what to do at that moment, every part of my being was telling me to either fight or run but I was just frozen as the seconds ticked. He knocked again and asked, "(Y/N)?" He sighed and left shortly after and I ditched the idea of leaving my room.

I knew I would have to leave eventually but I was going to prolong that event for as long as possible.

Soon the night came and I didn't want to sacrifice the granola bars in my suitcase. I took a deep breath and hopped off my bed with the intention of getting some food.

Dragging my stomach with me to the door, I gently turned the brass knob and peeked out into the hallway. No one in sight.

I released the breath I wasn't aware I was holding as I stepped out into the carpeted hallway. I carefully crept passed the guy's rooms as I made my way to the kitchen.

I scrounged around in the fridge and grabbed two water bottles, an apple, and some baby carrots. Most of the food held in my left hand as my right was still healing from yesterday I stealthily crept back to my room before anyone came out to start dinner.

I had just reached my door when I heard the click of a door know by me. My head snapped to see Edd just about 2 meters from me with a look of confusion on his face.

"(Y/N)?" He asked looking between me and the food in my hands. His stare making me feel like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"H-hey there, Edd," my voice cracked as I tried to put up a light hearted tone in my voice.

He stepped closer, "Were you just in your room all day? I thought you had gone out in the morning?"

"Well, I did go out for a bit but something happened at the... nearby Cafe and I came back startled by the police." I was shifting my weight between my legs, trying to keep my mind focused on anything besides his inquisitive look.

His expression softened from the corner of my eyes as he looked at me worried.

"I was just scared from what I saw and just wanted to sleep," I started. "I'm not feeling up to eating much but I needed something or I could end up sick, ya know?"

He nodded, stepping closer and engulfing me in a comforting hug. I didn't flinch at the sudden touch. I suppose I'm just tired from the events.

"Alright, I'll let you get some rest. I'll have some breakfast in the morning for you if you decide to stay for the morning."

I dip my head in the hug as the tension left my body, "Thank you, Edd."

He lets go of me, supposedly to go prepare dinner for everyone else. I turn back to my door and hurriedly enter, locking it behind me.

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