Hot Chocolate and Holidays

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"Don't even think about it," Clementine stated as she watched Violet roll up a big snowball. Knowing her girlfriend, she was bound to get a snowball to the face at some point.

Christmas was right around the corner, and what better way to spend the upcoming holiday than building a snowman in the front yard. Violet wore her purple beanie and a black jacket, and Clementine wore her famous baseball cap with a white jacket.

With a smirk, Violet said, "I'm not thinking anything. Just rolling up the last ball for the head."

"Uh huh."

Clementine approached the almost-complete snowman and painted a proud smile across her face. "You know, once the head's on, I think this little guy is going to be a great addition to the family."

Violet placed the large snowball atop the other two, making sure it was steady. "Agreed. Definitely needs a name though. Whatta you got?"

"Actually," Clementine uttered while turning to her girlfriend, "I got a request from AJ to name it Disco Snowman. What do you think? Does it look like a Disco Snowman to you?"

Violet stroked her chin and thought about it. After very serious consideration, she said, "I think Disco Snowman suits it quite well." She then pulled out a carrot and some buttons from her pockets and attached them to the snowman, taking a few steps back afterward. "I think it's missing something," Violet added as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

Clementine walked up to Disco Snowman, took off her baseball cap, and set it on the snowman's head. "Better?" she asked as she stepped back and faced her girlfriend.

Smiling, Violet replied, "perfect." She pulled out her phone, gesturing for Clem to stand in front of it. "Hey let me take a picture of you and Disco Snowman. I'm sure AJ would love to see you two together."

Clementine nodded and started to walk back up to the snowman. What she didn't know was that Violet had swiftly put her phone back in her pocket and gathered as much snow as she could to form a ball. "All right Clem, smile!" Violet stated with a grin.

As Clementine turned around with a big smile and thumbs up next to Disco Snowman, her face immediately dropped as she looked at her girlfriend who had wound up to throw her snowball. She had already accepted her defeat.

"Sorry, babe," Violet uttered somewhat sincerely as she chucked it at the brunette. The snowball made direct contact with Clementine's face, covering her with snow.

Slowly wiping the snow away, Clementine stared coldly into Violet's eyes and claimed, "at this moment in time, you are not my lover - just my enemy." She quickly created a snowball and chucked it at Violet's direction, which barely missed as the girl made it behind a tree.

"Gonna have to try harder than that, Clem."

"Just you wait."

Clementine rolled up another snowball and waited for Violet to peek. When her girlfriend did, she chucked it hard and hit her, making Vi recoil as she wiped the snow off of her face. "So that's how we're playing, huh? Okay. I'll make a deal with you. Loser is bottom tonight."

Clementine chuckled, getting another snowball in her hand and tossing it up repeatedly. "You got yourself a deal. Can't wait to give you the ride of a lifetime tonight."

"Don't get too cocky," Violet informed while making a snowball, "There's a reason they call me Victory Violet." Abruptly Violet ran from behind the tree and sprinted at her girlfriend, throwing the snowball at her before the girl could reach cover.

Laughing, Clementine made as many snowballs as she could hold and started pelting Violet with them. The girls continued to do this, just throwing snowballs at each other back and forth, until their arms got sore. When they both stopped to catch their breath, Clementine swiftly made one more and hit Violet right in the shoulder. Then, before the blonde could say anything, Clementine ran at her and tackled her into the snow. "You were saying?" Clem said with a smirk plastered on her while straddling the girl.

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