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Violet's head perked up as she heard a knock at her door, causing her to lower the novel she was reading and tilt her head up. "Come in," she said in a husky tone. A warm smile tugged at the ends of her lips as the figure opened the door and walked in.

"Hey you," Clementine stated while reflecting the smile back.

"Hey," Violet replied. "I was wondering when I was going to see you today."

"AJ insisted that I play with him and his toys, so that took up a lot of my morning. I'm glad I'm here now though to see you." Clementine sauntered toward Violet's bed and joined her. She laid down on her stomach and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist and nuzzled her head in Vi's chest while Violet had one hand playing with Clementine's hair and the other holding up her book. Both girls relished in being pressed so closely to each other's bodies.

"I'm happy you're here, too. I missed you. I didn't get to see you that much yesterday since you were out scavenging with Aasim and Mitch," Vi uttered while continuing to read her book. She wasn't a huge fan of reading, but being stuck in the apocalypse limited her entertainment.

Clementine closed her eyes, exhaled contently and said, "I know. But I'm here now and I don't plan on going anywhere else."

Violet smiled again and planted a soft kiss on the top of her girlfriend's head. Never in a thousand years did the blonde believe she would develop feelings for someone in the apocalypse again after losing Minnie, but here she was craving to be with her girl all the time until she no longer couldn't.

"Violet," Clementine stated while keeping her eyes shut as she rested atop her girlfriend's chest and peacefully breathed in and out.

"Yeah, Clem?"

"I love you," the brunette admitted sweetly. She didn't care whether or not Violet said the words back to her. Clem knew what she felt for Violet ever since she first laid eyes on her, and she wanted to let her know god forbid something happened to her say tomorrow.

Violet was happy that Clementine was buried into her chest because her face instantly flushed red with heat as she processed the words in her head. She loved Clementine back, but for some reason instead of saying I love you, too all Vi said was, "really? Why?"

She cursed under her breath as she realized how awkward that sounded. Setting down the book in her hand, Violet said, "shit, sorry. That sounded dumb. I just- no one's ever told me that before, so I'm wondering why. What's so special about me?"

Clementine opened her eyes and lifted her head up, meeting with Violet's green eyes. Her mouth opened to speak, but her attention was diverted when Ruby came through the door.

"Sorry, I don't mean to bug y'all, but Vi, Louis is nagging at me to tell you that you and him are supposed to go out hunting now."

"Shit I forgot," Violet muttered. She turned her head back to Clem. "Can we talk later tonight?"

"Of course," the brunette remarked. She sat back up and rolled herself off of Violet so the girl could get up and leave. She smiled to herself as she devised the perfect plan for her and Violet tonight.


"Aw, I almost feel bad for this poor dude," Louis claimed as he watched the walker with no legs slowly slither across the ground and toward him.

"It's a walker; will you just kill it, Lou?" Violet responded with annoyance.

Louis averted his eyes to the blonde for a second before turning back and smashing the walker's skull in with his foot. "Someone's in a sour mood I see. What's on your mind, Vi?"

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