Beach House

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Summer vacation.

There's nothing greater than taking a trip with best friends somewhere and having a good time, and that's exactly what Violet, Louis, Brody, Marlon, Mitch, and Clementine were doing.

They were at one of Louis' beach house for their annual summer trip, but this time they had a new friend with them. Clementine had met them only a month ago, but instantly she clicked with all of them. However, the curly-haired girl had developed feelings for one of the Ericson kids, despite trying her best not to.

She had been heartbroken before, and she wasn't ready to potentially endure that pain again. On the other hand, she couldn't get Violet off of her mind. So, she planned to admit her feelings on this trip. It'd either be the best trip of her life, or it'd end in a very awkward car ride back home.


"I need to run into town to grab ingredients for dinner," Louis informed as he left the kitchen, throwing on a pair of his sunglasses. The gang was sitting around the giant living room inside his beach house, conversing in whatever. "I'm no Chef Omar, but I can confirm I've surpassed the grilled cheese level. Anyone want to come with me?"

"I will. I can only do so much sitting around while I'm inside a beach house right next to the Atlantic ocean," Brody replied while standing up. She wore a bright red tank top and tan shorts to go with it.

"Me too," Mitch and Marlon added.

The dreadlocked man took a glimpse at the others. "Violet? Clem? Care to complete the group journey to the grocery store?"

Violet stood up from her chair, but she didn't intend to get into his car. "No thanks. I think I'm going to go down to the beach and paddle board while you guys are out."

"I think I'll hang back too," Clem responded with a fond smile. She really just wanted to spend as much time with Violet alone as she could.

Louis waved the two girls off. "Your guys' lost. You'll miss out on karaoke in the car."

"Believe me, we got plenty of that on the drive here," Violet shot back, making Clem and everyone else laugh.

"Fine, fine," Louis playfully backed down. "Okay. Everyone follow your chauffeur to the car."

Once everyone had left for the store, Violet started walking toward the garage where the paddle boards were kept. "Hey," she heard Clementine say behind her. "Is.. it alright if I join you? I've never been paddle boarding before."

This excited Violet, as paddle boarding was her favorite hobby and she'd never had a chance to teach someone before. "Sure if you want. It's really easy, I promise."

"I hope so. I'd hate to make a fool out of myself," Clementine joked. Making a fool out of herself was the last thing she wanted to do in front of the girl she liked.

"Don't worry, Louis does that all on his own." Clementine genuinely laughed and followed Violet to the garage.

"Don't we need to change into our swimming suits?" Clementine asked.

"You can if you want. I've done this so many times I'm confident I won't fall in. Even if I do, the water will feel refreshing."

The brunette was intrigued by Violet's confidence. So much in fact that it inspired her to do the same, which definitely didn't bode well for her. "Okay. Neither will I then. I believe in beginners luck," she teased.

Chuckling softly, Violet replied, "whatever you say, Clem."


"You said this would be easy," Clementine stated as her and Violet were out in the ocean with their paddle boards. Well, Violet was balancing atop her paddle board and doing it like it was the easiest thing in the world. Clementine was struggling to even jump on the board without tipping over.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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