Loving You is Killing Me

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You said you'd never leave me. You promised me that, actually. Said we would always be happy together no matter where life led us. When you said those things to me, I believed you. I believed you because I loved you. Correction—because I love you. So how come I'm sitting here on top of the bell tower, the place where you told me you had feelings for me and I said it back, the place where you and I stargazed every night before bed, and I look to my left and you're not here.

You know, it's hard for me to sleep at night without your body next to mine. I know I said it was okay to let go and leave, but telling you that was the hardest thing I've ever done. It shattered me inside. I'll always have memories of you, of us, but that will never be just enough for me.

I miss you. I miss seeing your smile, your eyes, lips. I miss everything about you. The way you would walk into a room and every single pair of eyes would fall on you, but it didn't matter because you were mine.

I miss hearing you laugh, touching your body, kissing you, holding you. I'd give anything to have it all back; to have you back. I hope I see you soon. Maybe I will.

You said you'd never leave me. Said you'd never go. I truly thought you'd always be by my side, my ride or die, but you've left me all alone.

I miss you, Clementine. Please come home.


"So tomorrow you're going to check out the caravan group?" Clementine questions to Violet. The blonde looks to her left, smiling sweetly at the girl by her side. As usual, Violet was stargazing on top of the bell tower, and Clementine was right there with her like she always was.

Violet nods her head. "Yeah, I think AJ and Aasim are coming along too. Assuming shit doesn't go down, I think it'll be nice for AJ to get out of the school again. He's been through hell lately," she responds, her voice tapering off at the end. "We all have."

"I know life has been difficult to say the least, with the Raiders and all, but you know I'm never going anywhere."

"I know," Violet replies. She places her hand on top of Clem's, just like she did the night of the Raider attack. What Violet would give to go back to that night and relive the moment Clementine confessed her feelings to her. To this day it still seems surreal to her to have been lucky enough to find the love of her life in the apocalypse.

"Are you okay?" Clementine asks softly, noticing how quiet Violet has gotten as the night grows longer. "You seem distracted."

"Just a lot of things on my mind. What I could have done differently to save everyone from being kidnapped." Violet squeezes her girlfriend's hand tightly and closes her eyes. She mutters, "what I could have done to save you."

"What do you mean?" Clementine says with confusion. "You did save me. You saved me from being killed by Minerva. Honestly I'm still sort of surprised you shot her for me."

Violet turns her attention to Clementine's eyes, which have a radiant glint in them from the moonlight. "You think I'd let anything bad happen to you?" The moment the words leave Violet's mouth she's jabbed with a pang of sorrow. Her eyes dip to the ground beneath them, but the angelic sound of her girlfriend's voice lifts them back up.

The brunette inches closer, resting her head on Violet's shoulder as she talks. With everything that's happened, she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss this contact. "Well Minerva was your ex. I know what she meant to you, but you shooting her made me realize how much you loved me."

"Love," Violet corrects immediately. Wrapping her arm gently around Clementine to hold her close, Violet looks up and gazes at the night sky as she continues to talk. "And of course I shot her. I couldn't live with myself if you had gotten hurt there and it was because of me." The blonde stops talking as her eyes land on one specific star. It's easily the brightest amongst the stars, and it glimmers at her. Violet sighs. "I hate that I'm so in love with you."

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