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˚· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  Blue Hour


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Daeun sighed heavily as she ran her fingers through her messy hair. She paced her room back and forth, mind in a haze as she couldn't stop thinking about what the little voice in her head kept telling her to do.

I can't...I can't leave Orion behind like this. They left me and I can't do that to him as well... someone has to take care of him if I go. I will not leave this cat all alone without an owner. My sister made that mistake once and I won't make it happen again!

The girl groaned, looking down at the old, spotted black and white cat that played with the hanging strings from the bedsheet. The cat had been abandoned once and Daeun was the only person who was left to care for it but now, she was suffering the same fate as her dead sister.

Daeun was a 20 year old, unemployed youngster who lived all alone in a tiny apartment with a cat by the name of Orion. Orion was previously the pet of Daeun's sister, Areum, but unfortunately, Areum had ended her life in that very apartment ten days ago.

Both girls were struggling very much to provide for themselves on the daily. They didn't have real parents since they were orphans and their adoptive parents had passed away. Areum was three years older than Daeun but both sisters had lived together in the small apartment in Seoul.

They had multiple jobs, trying to make money to pay the bills and to buy food but it wasn't enough. Living in an apartment near Seoul was expensive and it had costed quite a lot to rent it out.

One day, Areum had came back from work with a bloody face and bruised lips. She was badly beaten up by loan sharks. Stupid fucking loan sharks. The girl had borrowed money just to help both of them to buy food since they were running out but the people who she borrowed it from were impatient.

She had chosen the wrong set of people to rely on.

Areum blamed herself for getting her sister involved when Daeun had decided to take up 2 more jobs just to help repay the loan. In total Daeun was working 4 jobs, just to help both of them get out of the situation.

Ten days ago on August 5th, Areum had committed suicide due to the feeling that she was the one at fault. She felt like her sister was suffering because of her so she took her own life, leaving Daeun behind. She felt that Daeun's life would have been much easier if she wasn't there.

"Fucking hell.." Daeun muttered frustratingly as she scanned her eyes over the apartment she was in. It was messy, stink and empty. All she could see was the missing presence of her sister.

Due to her sister's death, Daeun went into a breakdown, unable to fathom how she was gonna continue living in that shithole all alone. She had lost her jobs due to not showing up. Of course she wouldn't show up, her sister had died! Her sister was the only light in her life and now...she was gone.

"What do I do? Hmm, Orion?" The girl stooped down, gently petting the cat who was lying flat on the floor.

"Will you forgive me if I leave you? Please forgive Areum for leaving you without saying goodbye..I'm sure she didn't mean it and please forgive me for wanting to leave you." Daeun whispered out to the cat, talking to it as though it would somehow suddenly respond.

"If I leave you...please don't get mad."

Orion purred loudly, headbutting the girl's hand, greedily asking for more rubs from the girl. Orion was what was keeping Daeun together at the moment. It was her sister's cat and the only thing she had left to remind her of her dead sister. She would always talk to the cat as though it was Areum just to feel at ease.

"Areum loved you a lot Orion and I do too. I hope you know that. I'm so sorry for how we weren't able to be the best pet owners."

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you Areum.."

𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫  ꗃ  Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now