Chapter 3

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BTW... This book is only a short one... So there are some hella fast progress that happens every chapter. Hehehe... ;p

"Shut up! You ungrateful fuck!"
"Fuck you too, you bitch!"

I was wandering around till I reached an alley way, where I heard that oh-so familiar voice, making me smile. I went in the dark path and saw two floating souls, arguing.

One has a hole in his head as blood poured down to his nose and mouth to the neck, while the other has a limb missing, an arm, while the rest of his body is like a burned chicken.

"Hey, Marcel." I said, making my presence known. The missing-arm ghost looked at me then smiled.

"Hi, kid." The other ghost, Lui, said while waving.

According to Luke, Lui and two other males with him were old comrades, until they figured out that they were traitors... Or so he said.

"What do you want?" Lui questioned with a childish voice, which triggered Marcel by some way, making him grumble under his breath.

"I heard that!" Lui spat out, making Marcel scoff. I talked to Lui and his friends, Ohm and Mini, or Ryan and Craig, about what happened. Turns out that they were blinded by money... Which didn't surprise me at all.

"I already told you! We never meant it! We were planning on getting the money then save-!"

"WHATEVER!" Marcel scoffed again. To be honest, I don't wanna be stuck in this argument again. This is how I got kidnapped by their friends.

"I don't have time to listen to you both bickering about something that you both died to, Okay? I just need something to revive you!" I said with a pout as the two sighed.

"I still can't believe you're gonna help this fuck too."

"People deserve second chances, Marcel. Besides, you still kept their badges. There must be a reason for that."

There are three steps on how to use my ability to revive ghosts; One. I must know their names and how they died. Two, must have something that's important to them. And three, the revival must happen at the same date of their death. Which is about three weeks from now. I mean, we can wait till next year... But I rather finish this now.

"Ugh... I hate this... But again... The guys does miss you three goofs." Marcel said reminiscing about the crew. I think I saw Lui tearing up a bit too.

"Trust me... We never meant to send you to your death... We just want to have the money so we can hang out peacefully for a while."

"So... Are you guys quits now?" I asked as I saw the two ghost hugging each other in the air. They probably talked about it telepathically. Not that I mind... But I was hella confused for a moment there.


"The Fangs... Ugh. I hate them!" Ryan growled as Craig floats aimlessly around, not paying attention. They said that's what he always do, even when living. Lui and Marcel brought me to this little shed, where apparently, where the three were executed by the crew.

"They were the ones who payed us. I didn't know that they'll torture and kill you in two days! They didn't even got a single INFO!" Lui screamed at the sky as Marcel smiled and rubbed Lui's back with his left hand, which was hard, but he doesn't have his right...

"So... Do you have any idea what they're planning?"

"Why would we know? We're stuck in this shed till we get revived... Why not ask Marcel?"

"I don't know what their leader looked like." Marcel defended, making the three others gasp in realization and facepalm themselves.

"You guys are so dumb."
"Shut up!" The three ghost yelled as Marcel and I laughed.


"How did It go?"

It took them three days to find the leader... Or messenger... whoever they found. It was hard, especially since Marcel isn't good at remembering faces as a soul... Being a ghost has disadvantages.

"If you don't count Marcel making me look like a creep, It was well." I said in annoyance. He made me follow someone to the males bathroom! Good thing I'm a child or I would've been like a stalker!

"Well... At least you can now use whatever Marcel will learn about them. He can probably send info to Jaren through ghost telepathy." Brock checked.

"Yeah... I hope I won't die if I got taken again." I giggled anxiously. After a couple more talks, I waved goodbye to him as I look for a way for the crew to kidnap me back...

'Maybe I'll try to go back to the same apartment?'

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