Baby Mama Drama 2 //Zayn//

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"That wasn't very nice of you." Zayn chuckles, buckling Javier into his car seat. You stare at Zayn innocently.
"What did I do?" You shrug, waving at Perrie who stood at the doorway, glaring at the car. Zayn started up the car, pulling out of the parking spot.
"You know what you did. Pebbles? Really?" He chuckles shaking his head at you.
"My bad, it's not my fault I couldn't get pixies name right." It made no difference to you what her name was. You still didn't like her. Zayn smiles, keeping his eyes on the road. You grin and turn on the radio. You sang along to the song that was playing.
Finally Zayn pulled up at his parents house. You rushed out of the car and got Javier. Zayn followed behind you as you walked up to the front door. Zayn got out his old key and psuhed it into the lock.
"Mom? We're here." Zayn walks into the house, opening the door for you. You step inside with Javier, his little hands pressed up against his chubby cheeks.
"Zayn!" His mother smiled, coming to greet you guys. "Ah, look at my grandson." She takes Javier from you. You watch in amusement as she gushes over the little baby. After greeting everyone, you guys sat down to have dinner. The food was amazing as always. You had two plate fulls, you probably would have had more but you were saving the space for dessert.
"When shall I be expecting a grandchild from you, y/n?" Zayn's mom asked you. You look at Zayn and he shrugs, leaving you to answer the question.
"Whenever god decides he wants to bless us with a child." You told her. Which was the truth. You guys weren't in any rush to have kids, but you weren't using protection either. After everyone was done eating, Zayn's older sister came out with his birthday cake. You smiled as they set the cake in front of him.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Zaynnnn, Happy birthday to you." You all sang, waiting for Zayn to blow out the candles. Zayn thought about his wish, then blew out the candles. You guys clapped for him. Mrs. Malik came out with the plates and forks.
"Look, Javier, this is cake." Zayn told his son. Little Javier stared at his father then looked back to the cake. It intrigued him. Javier giggles and slams his fist into the cake.
"Buddy!" Zayn stands up with Javier. Javier smiles and wipes his hand across Zayn's face and hair. You held back a laugh, getting some paper towels for him. "This is not funny. He messed up my hair." Zayn pouts handing Javier to you. You take the baby and clean him up. Javier kicks his legs happily, shoving his fingers in his mouth. He sucked on the icing on his fingers. You guys stayed over at Zayn's parents house for a bit more. Javier had tired himself and was now sleeping in your arms.
"Mom we're going to go now." Zayn tells his mom. You stand up, holding Javier.
"Bye guys." You gave everyone a hug and followed Zayn out the house.
"That was fun." You told him as you got into the car. Zayn fixes Javier in his seat, then he gets in the driver seat.
"Best birthday so far." He smiles pecking your lips. You nod, grabbing hold of his hand. Zayn looks at the time. "It's much later then I expected." He comments. You look at the time,he was right. It was a little pass ten. "Javier is going to have to sleep over. I'm not driving all the way to Perrie's." The drive back to the house was an hour long anyway. When Zayn parked the car you got out, yawning. You waited for him to get Javier before walking to the front door. You opened it, turning on the lights as you entered. Zayn went upstairs to set Javier in his crib. You kicked off your heels, jogging up the steps.
Ding dong
"Ugh, who the hell could be here so late?" You mumble to yourself. You told Zayn you would get the door. You walked down the steps, reaching for the door.
"Where's my son?!" Perrie barges into your place.
"Umm.." No, she didn't just walk into the place like she owned it. "Listen here Goldie locks, Javier is sleeping. He doesn't need to be woken up by your nonsense."
Perrie gasps, taking a step back.
"Do you know who I am?!"
You raised your brows at her.
"No, but you're about to know my fists in a second." At that momemt Zayn came down.
"What do you want now?" He asks Perrie. She turns to face him.
"You were suppose to bring Javier back at 7." She crosses her arms angrily.
"I can bring my son back whenever I want. You don't tell me what to do." You smile, watching the scene. Poprcorn would make it even better. "Now, go home. You're being a disturbance."
"Leave my house please."

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