Hello //Niall//

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I'm sure many of you have heard the song Hello by Adele. It's absolutely beautiful! Adele is truly amazing and never fails to amaze me. So in honor of how much I love the song, I'm making a preference about it. I hope you enjoy it as I did writing it.

"Hello? It's me..." You breathed into the phone, sliding down against the wall you were leaning against. "I-I know you're not there right now and I've called you a thousand times, but i really need to talk to you, to hear your voice...so when you get the message...p-please call me back..." You hung up the phone holding it close to your chest. Small streams of tears fell from your eyes, making a small wet stain on your shirt. You wiped your nose, standing up. You've cried so much that it made you feel pathetic. You managed to make your way to the couch, grabbing the remote on the way. You sniffles as you turned on the TV. Immediately his laughter filled up the room. It took everything in you not to cry again.
"So Niall how have you been?" You listened to the interviewer fire questions at him. He shrugs sitting up in his chair.
"I'm good, the band is good, I'm healthy. That's what matters right?" He gives a fake smile, but you can see right through him. He was in as much pain as you.
"I'm sorry!" You screamed at the TV, throwing the remote at it. The TV screen cracked when the remote made contact with it, causing the screen to go blank. You screamed again, burying your face in the pillow. "I'm sorry!" You mumbled over and over again. The night that changed your life going through your head over and over again. It was an accident, your conscious told you.

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