Date Gone Wrong //Niall//

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You parked your car in front of Niall's house. You glanced at yourself in the interior mirror, making sure your makeup was still intact. Satisfied with your curled hair, smokey eye, and dark lipstick, you stepped out of the car. The wind blew your hair back, which you did not like at all.
"Don't mess up my weave." You sassed to the wind, as if it could hear you. You held onto your clutch tightly as you walked up the steps of the flat complex. You tried to remember what number Niall had told you. You must have typed in the correct one because his voice soon came on the invoice box. "It's me y/n," you spoke up. Niall had invited you over his place for a date. He wanted to go out to a restaurant, but his management had voiced their disapproval. The next best option he had come up with, was for you to come over his place and he would cook up a meal. You only hoped that he had known what seasoning was and didn't poison you.
"You're here! Great, I'll buzz you up." You could hear the excitement in his voice. He was too cute. You heard the loud buzz and pulled the door open. You walked into the wide open lobby, it was pretty impressive. The guy at the desk nodded in your direction and you flashed him a small smile. You walked to the elevator and pressed the button. It came pretty quickly. You steppted inside and pressed the number to Niall's floor. He lived at the top, the penthouse.
As soon as you stepped off the elevator, you were greeted by Niall. You smiled and gave him a hug.
"Wow, you look amazing." He smiles complementing you. You were wearing a simple black dress with some killer black stilettos.
"Thanks, you looking pretty dashing yourself." Niall's face flushed a slight pink color. He grabbed your hand and led you to his door.
"Welcome to my humble casa." He closes the door after you walked in.
"I like it." You glanced at him. "So, what did you cook up, chef Horan?" He chuckles and led you to the dining room. It was set up with a few candles and red roses on the table. Awww, how adorable. He pulled the chair out for you. You sat down, thanking him.
"I hope you like spicy food," he sits down at the seat across from you. You look down at the food, it seemed edible to you. You picked up your fork and loaded it with some of the rice. You brought it to your lips, eating it. Niall watched you as you chewed the food slowly. You swallowed everything.
"Not bad," you told him, but that was only the beginning, you had yet to try the meat.
"I used a recipe off the internet." He tells you, digging into his food. You used your fork to pull off a piece of the chicken. You checked it to make sure it wasn't under cooked. You shoved the piece in your mouth. A burst of flavors exploded making you sit up in your seat. Niall looked at you.
"That's really good!" You exclaimed eating more of it. Niall chuckled watching you.
"Thanks." He smiled wide, he was pretty proud of himself. Niall went through a lot of trouble to make sure the food had came out really good for you. Half way through the meal you started to get really hot. You fanned your face, picking up the water to drink. Niall raised a brow at you. He had finished eating everything on his plate.
"You okay?" He asked concerned. From his perspective you looked ill. You shook your head, coughing a bit.
"I don't know, I feel really hot." You managed to choke out. Niall got up and came to you. He pulled you to your feet, leading you to the couch.
"You're sweating like crazy." He feels your head. "Its almost as if you're having an allergic reaction." He concludes.
You look at him, you were finding it a bit hard to breath now.
"Are you allergic to anything?"
You nod your head, small pants escaping your lips.
"Coconut," you heaved out. Niall's eyes widened as he pulled out his phone in a hurry. You watched him confused.
"999? I need a ambulance at -insert his addres- my girlfriend is having an allergic reaction." Niall hung up the phone, holding your hand. "I'm so stupid, I used coconut oil for the chicken." He tells you.
The EMT had arrived in three minutes to take you to the hospital. Niall stayed with you the entire time. He did not once leave your side.

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