Daughter's First Period //Louis//

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Louis sat on the couch browsing through his twitter feed. You were at work, working overtime. Your daughter was at a formal dance and was due to come home at anytime. Right on time, your daughter came through the front door. Louis rested his phone on the couch and sat up.
"How was the dance?" He asked her. Your daughter walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass to fill with water.
"It was so fun dad! My friends and I danced to almost every song! They even played your song!" She gushed. She went on to talk about how everyone was taking pictures with her since she was his daughter and all.
"Sounds like a blast." Louis walks into the kitchen and leaned on the counter. He watched as your daughter turned to face the sink to rinse out the cup.
"Did you sit on ketchup?" Louis asked walking around the island to get to her.
"Huh?" You daughter set the cup on the counter and glanced down at her backside. "Ew what is that?!" She exclaims touching. Louis wanted to laugh, but he knew it wasn't appropriate. He went back to the kitchen and got out his phone.
"Dad don't take a picture of me to put on twitter." Your daughter whined, watching Louis type away at the screen. Louis rolls his eyes at his daughter.
"Relax child, I'm asking your mother where she keeps her products." He explains to her. Louis read the text that you sent him, explaining where you kept all your pads, etc. You gave him clear instructions to not let your daughter have access to any tampons.
When Louis gave your daughter the pad, she simple just stared at it.
"Where do I put this?" She asks holding it up to examine it.
"You stick it in your undies." Louis shrugs. He did not want to deal with this.
"Go on to the bathroom, you're dripping blood everywhere, child."
Your daughter lets out a screech when she realizes he was right. She quickly ran upstairs to the bathroom.
"Nasty." Louis frowns grabbing a towel to wipe the blood on the floor. "Never again." He mumbes to himself. "Never again." He gets up and throws the paper towel in the trash.

Sorry this was short.

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