Saved //Louis//

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Louis grabbed the rope from his shed and made his way to the tree in his yard. He threw the rope over a thick brach hanging and tied a knot. With the remainder of the rope dangling, he made a noose big enough for him to stick his head in. Louis looks up and takes a step back to admire his work. He sighs and places the loop around his neck. He let out a series of breathes as he let his body slump. He grabbed the top of the rope as he struggled with the rope cutting off his air way.
You got out of your car, jogging up the steps. You walked to the bathroom, stripping out of your clothing. You turned on the water, watching it fall from the shower head. You smile softly to yourself as you glance out the window.
"Louis?!" You screamed seeing him hanging from the tree. You stepped out of the shower, grabbing a robe. You quickly put it on as you ran out the back door. "Louis!!" You screamed falling to your knees. "No. This isn't happening to me." You sobbed not wanting to look at his body anymore.

"Scene cut!" The director yelled. You stood up, watching as they got Louis down from the tree.
"That was really creepy seeing you like that." You walked over to Louis. He wrapped his arm around you, leading you to the refreshments.
"Yeah, it was a little hard for me to do that, cause I know there are people out there who really kill themselves that way." Louis says grabbing a cookie from the platter on the table. You nod, watching as the set crew cleaned everything and started getting reading for the next scene.
"Now I get to play a corpse." Louis claps walking back to the set. You laughed watching as he lied on the ground with the rope around his neck still, but this time it was cut. He next scemlne would be you cutting him down and the police showing up at your house. Louis glanced over, seeing you still standing off to the side. He grins, blowing you a kiss. You laugh walking over to him.
"Why did I agree to make a movie with you?" You mumbled kneeling by his side.
"Because you love me." He grins, closing his eyes as the direct said for you guys to start the next scene.

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