Dad's In Charge?... //Louis//

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Lianna jumped up and down in her crib, her binky in her mouth as she waited to be taken out. You had just left for an important meeting in the city, leaving Louis home with Lianna. Louis walks into her room, smiling.
"Hey princess." He grins taking her out of her crib. Lianna squeaks, her binky falling out of her mouth in excitement. Louis chuckles taking her to the changing table. He laid her down and changed her diaper quickly. Lianna giggles staring at her father's face. She smiles giving him a slobbery kiss.
"Ew." Louis smiles kissing her cheek. He brought her downstairs and sat her in her high chair. Louis fed her some rice cereal for breakfast then brought her into the living room to play. He built a tent with her and read her a book. After playing for an hour, Louis decides to give her a bath. He takes her into the bathroom and turns on the water, allowing it to fill up. Louis takes some bath soap and adds some to the water. Once Lianna was undressed he placed her in the water. Lianna splashes in the water, giggling when Louis got wet. Louis stood up to get a towel to dry himself with. Lianna stares up at Louis a frown on her face. Louis stares back at her.
"What are you doing?" He questions watching her sit still in the water. Lianna stares up at Louis reaching her hands out to him. Louis picked her up, glancing into the water. His eyes widened as he held in a snicker.
"I see you left a little surprise in the water." He points to the floating poop. Lianna pouts, whining. Louis chuckles and cleans her bottom one more time just to make sure she was clean. Once she was dress, Louis placed her in her blocked off playroom. He walked back to the bathroom and drained the water. Louis put on some gloves to get the poop out of the water. He threw it in the toilet, flushing it down. He grabbed the bathroom cleaner and poured some in the tub to disinfect it. After that was done, he went to check on Lianna. Lianna was chewing on her teether when Louis walked in.
"Ohh I can't wait to tell your mom that you pooped in the tub." Louis teases her. Lianna looks up at her father and throws her teether at him. The object hit him right in the head.
"Ow, Lianna!" He rubs where she hit him. "You don't throw things at people." Lianna ignored him playing with her toys.

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