5: Innocent Defendant

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Hoseok's face entered my line of sight as soon as I opened my eyes.

"You're awake. Congrats! I told you you puke be fine " He smiled. " Sit up, eat before you take the tablets. They are not poison, just pain killer and paracetamol" 

I started sitting up but feels out of strength

"Here let me help you" he help me sit up, placing few pillows behind me followed by the bed table where there is a porridge and a water. I drink half the water, immediate feeling my dry throat became better

"You passed out while we were closing your wound. Then you wake up. But then you passed out again. I haven't seen someone passed out so many times in less than 5 minutes" he said thoughtfully before continuing, " you had fever, but you are okay now. You slept throughout the day yesterday we thought you had infections of whatever medical complications but your fever gone down this morning and now you are awake so yay"

Jesus, I never met someone who talks this much

I just nodded. My entire left face and neck is aching so badly. But I never like complaining, it's either I suck this up or let these guys underestimate,

I've dealt with worse stomach cramps this should be nothing

"Eat up so you can take the medicine already" I almost glare at him but he's smiling, not having any appetite, I still decided to take three bites before taking the medicines

I push the table away and lean down my head against the pillow. Hoseok just gave me another smile, this time hesitant and tight lipped. "I'll get Namjoon so you can start the interrogation now" he said softly before exiting the the room with the bed table

I stare at the ceiling, bringing my hand to touch my left neck that is now bandaged.

I could still feel the pain from the stapler. Could remember the pointed ends piercing on my skin...

I squeeze my hands, feeling my body tingle with panic and anger

Panic with having to endure all of this unless I find a way back

Anger towards my own father for bringing me in this situation

But that anger already ease out. I know he is not impulsive . There must be a reason why he did this. There should be , especially after what happened...

I just need to find out...

I have a strong urge to puke but I think it's just the feeling, no bile is really rising up my throat

The door opened, and entered Namjoon.

"How are you?" He asked, taking the seat beside me

I gave his expression a single glance before weakly chuckling. Based on their reaction on what happened I doubt they even feel genuinely sorry for terrifying an innocent individual. I doubt they would bat an eye while shooting someone. Of course I'm not hurt that these people do not care, I'm just disgusted that there are more people like them out there. And there are more people who's in a worse situation out there

I knew what his question and I only have one answer "I'm not whoever you think is threatening you." I stare at him and find him nodding "Whatever you wanna know, I've already told you"

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