17: clash of clan

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Jungkook's self-possession finally made sense by the time we enter the area

It was a military camp. The checkpoint earlier gave no hint of the wide property that welcomed us in. 

An older man (still an army) greeted  us, saluting at Jungkook as we approach. He motioned the men to uncuff us

Jungkook regarded him with a respectful nod.

we are immediately directed towards the tallest building- it was surrounded by small once that are interconnected with each other. Its brutalist architecture, a massive wall of concrete, stood tall and cold. There were large windows built in odd disorderly pattern. The last building has a label of infirmary, and beside that are rows of vehicles including three jets and two tanks. Support services- water tower, electrical plant etc.-  are placed where they best suit.

Jungkook is beside me, a step behind "alright?" he was pertaining to the scratch on my knee. I nodded

The place resembles a subdivision. Surrounded by welded wire fences, beyond that is the opening of the forest. The whole place is packed with surveillances, placed intentionally unobtrusive anywhere  

There's a wide training ground on the center, where hundreds of men in uniform ( they look like each other) are spread ( very organized) in the open. Someone was shouting at front. 

we entered from the automatic sliding glass door. Jungkook and I look at each other briefly as we're soon led to the elevator. 

My stomach squeezes ( not pleasantly) in anticipation. The servicemen motion us to get inside. 5 men came with us. 

beside me I mutter to Jungkook as quiet as I can "this is your fault"

"If you just stayed behind like what I said-"

"I'll probably be celebrating your absence now instead of hanging out with humorless Herculeans. The amount of testosterones here is traumatizing. Have you seen their body? Their veins are popping out! What if they give me a steroid induced substance?! In my time, men can grow muscle instantly if they want. Oh no what If I become buff too so they can make the first ever strongest female soldier. I am already fine with my horrible quality now" I shivered "You see... this is why women shall take over the world. If there's war, there's at least colorful tanks and glittery grenades. We'll probably even design a pretty arena for warfare"

he just shook he's head 

the elevator dinged and as it open, the temperature seems like is visibly drop. Like my eyesight immediately muted and paled

On the far away center Is a large table and behind, sat a man.


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