20: on the aircraft with Bunny

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A small military aircraft awaits and about 20 other officers - in the same suit, same hair, almost same height

I stepped inside 

"cool" I nodded, smiling to myself sardonically 

Jungkook would definitely strangle me, probably snap at me about being inconvenient again when we see each other- well that is if he took his father's bait. Though I doubt that, he had been itching to get rid of me since day 1 

I tipped my head sideways, to mutter something to the rude officer "You know... I would take a daredevil's advice if I were you. You should really not be touching me. That guy is literal"

The guy scowl, I shrugged lackadaisically "eyyy your choice then if you wanna be corpse soon. Anyway, is there food here?"

His pushed me, making me land on my butt on the hard metallic ground. The men here have to be dealt with for their treatment towards women. I have been manhandled here more than I can count , than ever in my life back then. 

He walk to the young officer ( the same guy in truck and escort me to the general's office) 

A few minutes pass by and the young officer took a seat beside me, bearing snacks 

I leaned my back on the curved wall 

 "here" He handed me a wrapped sandwich 

"Nice" I took it, famished. I was dragged early in the morning to the gym. Then dragged to an aircraft on the way to Russia. I haven't even eaten anything at all which I think is the reason why my limbs are feeling flimsy "thanks"

"no problem" He said casually 

"if you get me out of here, know that my offer still up. You know... the captain America potion..." my words were muffled from chewing. This is surprisingly tasty 

I halted and narrow my eyes "there's no steroid in here?" I asked accusingly 

He looked at me, bewildered with his youthful eyes "you're weird. Of course none"

I shrugged and continued chewing

He started eating his sandwich and we fell into an easy silence 

"how old are you?" I asked after a few moments 

"17... 18 next week"

I gaped "What the fuck are you doing here? is this even legal?"

He pouted, thinking, then shrugged "Dunno... you?"

"70 mentally. Just waiting for retirement and burial"

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