7: An entente between opponents

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I'm an easy person. You tell me what you don't like about me, I'll change it.

When someone tells me not to touch his stuff, I don't touch it. I understand being in that position, I am possessive of what I own as well. If I wanna share, I will offer, if I didn't offer only means I don't wanna give. It's that simple. I make it sure that I'm the type of person that's easy to deal with

It's not that I'm not taking my situation seriously. Doesn't mean that I attempt to lounge, I'm comfortable. Doesn't mean I joke, I am alright. These pass 5 days my hands are trembling, my nights spend in terror, my breath is unstable and the only way I can deal with these is through tricking myself that I am fine, that I have everything under my control

But I don't

What do you do when your father is suddenly gone?

When someone is suddenly running after you..

When you're suddenly thrust into a world you don't know how to exist...

No resources, no protection, no one...

And then someone threatens to kill you.

Of course you try to appeal you have upper hand Even though you know too well one bullet could end you

I didn't went out to eat last night, earlier for the breakfast, and now for the lunch

Of course Jimin was right, I'm not in the position to request anything.

I shouldn't be eating too comfortably

If my pride is stronger than my survival instinct, I would've done exactly what he told

But this refusal has more to do with the fact that I have been working than how his words affected me

Last night I made a decision: I should be taking advantage of Namjoon's offer. The sooner I start creating something that would help me get back to William, the sooner I will be out of this place and back to where I came from, where my only problem is running away from the national intelligence agency

My stomach protests from being ignored but right now I'm too busy working at the model , trying to figure out how in hell William did this. I've been trying to rummage my brain, summoning every memory I have of William working in the lab

I would have laughed if someone told me they've invented a time machine, it's just way too complicated to be possible. But obviously I can't now. I mean... Im here... with people that are already very dead in my time

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