2: Transit

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30 minutes ago

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30 minutes ago

It was no longer than 20 minutes that I was sleeping when I jolted awake with a protesting stomach. Despite the lack of appetite due to stress and sleep deprivation, I still decided to get out of the room and route my way to an eatery on the opposite street. The last thing that I want is to suffer from another acid reflux this week anyway, it will just delay my progress in finding William, who decided to just disappear into the space one day, and leave a ridiculously terrible riddle for me to find out where he had disappeared into. I would have given up if it wasn't just for the fact that he is my only family. He raised me, he's basically my guardian, my father, my teacher, my tutor, uhm... my mother? and I'm like his  unofficial daughter... although he doesn't wanna acknowledge that he acts like one, he prefers to be called by his name and to be regarded and treated as a friend by everyone else including the only one who can tolerate him, which is me.

The alleyway that I'm staying at connects two streets together. It is a good alternative
instead of walking in the Main Street ,where I would be risking getting caught, even though it feels like walking through a labyrinth. It's not an issue though, I am familiar with every door I pass by because William had brought me here once when I was still about 8 years old. He lets me tag along sometimes whenever he is going somewhere, but aside from that he doesn't let me out of the house that much unless he's around. Well that was until I became 18 when he convinced me to finally make some friends or get a boyfriend or a girlfriend as long as I am being "careful".

As I kid, I was convince that my guardian was an escaped prisoner. He always seems like like he was on the run and hiding. We never talk about it though.  I never demanded an answer from him for the  things that I know would be too difficult for him to respond to. Like, why we are hiding... or why was he the one who took care of me, where were my biological parents? Well as for the first question, I was never really eager to go outside, I was fine with staying inside our house. Thus, I didn't really mind staying hidden, after all I found it quite fun. As for where my real parents... I don't think I really wanna make him stressed about the fact that I am starting to get curious about my biological family's whereabouts. After all, if they indeed abandoned me, which I think was the case because if ever they all died then that would be easier to explain to the kid. So why should I search for them? It's not my loss. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't got angry. I didn't requested to be birthed! ...Only to be left.

I like William, so I will not put him under circumstances where he would feel conflicted. He is already messed up anyway. William is a great friend, a great father , he was very young at heart. He let me watch him create incredible things inside his laboratory, he taught me all the knowledge he knows of the world. He showed me photos and live actions of different centuries or countries,  he taught me of history, of the beauty that the world once had, and so much more. I've always preferred that than anything else. I wouldn't exchange that for something else.

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