15: Jimin, the national treasure

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I showered at morning yet I feel sticky not even an hour later.

I was supposed to be working on the machine. The more hours I spent in the lab, the sooner we would finish.

I wanted to finish it no more than two months- a little impossible... but I'm raised by William. I can still remember the design William elucidated to me when I was 9. Though I didn't know that he actually made it which sends a small pang in my chest. We were partners, and I felt excluded. In a family of two, losing one is everything.

The chassis is already finished. It took us two weeks until it assembled- that involved 15 hours of labor a day.

We did not really have anymore complications with engineering it. Most of the components we stole from the organization are manufactured well, we didn't have to do it from scratch anymore which quickens the process threefold.

these pass few days I've been waking up at 5am and quitting the day by midnight. Without William to supervise my sleeping pattern anymore, my body is starting to get accustomed to sleep deprivation, I can fully function a day with only 5 hours of sleep as long as I get my daily in take of caffeine

Earlier, I was getting ready to start my day, following the same routine.

But seems like the gods would always find way to make my life a little bit unbearable every time I finally recover and adapt

Jin seems to acquire William's position in directing me on what to do with my own time. Despite my attempts to argue, the man do not take no. He is just as unwavering and impossible as my father

After removing the stitched from my gunshot wound, he pressured me to join their training, said I was healthy and robust once again

When I still refuse to go after 5 minutes of persuading me, he exited my room. I thought he gave up, but the door opened again and comes Jungkook.

If he thinks Jungkook can make me go, he's right.

That lucifer gripped my arm like I'm a damn rope he use to climb off hell. He literally dragged me along the hallways, and out to the backyard. I didn't even have to walk! I glided like a figure skating prodigy. My strength was matchless to his. And I have to do something about that

We've trained for an excruciating hour. Jin explained to me why I must cooperate

"It's for protection. Your time machine is useless if you are dead. We are only eight, there's hundreds of them out there, not to mentioned they are properly trained and equipped. If ever there's an ambush, it would be better if you can protect yourself. At least if someone threatens to kill you, you can fight" he scolded when I wasn't being cooperative again. That blew my resolve

Yoongi taught me- from strength training to fighting stance, he also make me work on my grip on the hand gun again. He remained unfriendly but unlike Jungkook, he's civil and still respectful.

When we're finally done, we all went back to the kitchen. Jin prepared a breakfast earlier before the training. We dive in like beasts- physical labor strikes hunger. We chatter in between chewing, I joined them like it's the most natural thing. I mostly asked about their history together and they delightfully divulge, laughing at the memory of their foolishness, and going quiet when the subject hold delicacy

"How can you persevere for 10 years. Of this. Operating in secrecy and no reassurance of safety?"

Hoseok, who's sitting by my side, shrugged. "you just get use to it"

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