19: Ambushed

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Jungkook was the one who shouted first followed by my panicked shriek

"holy... "

his lips is still wet on top of the water bottle. Splashes of water were on his face and shirt

I hurriedly cover my top but it was a poor attempt to conceal my womanliness. I tried to sit up with a whimper- my butt hurts like a bitch

I am hyper aware of the cool air on my legs and the side of my boobs. My long hair is sticking everywhere on my skin, making me feel so dirty and musty

"a little help" my voice come out raw and small

Jungkook seems to snap out of his trance on the sound of my voice and turn around. Even from the back, his flushed face is obvious'

"oh don't bother, You literally gaped rather earnestly" I spat out

my accusation seems to flick him off. He marched to the bed , pull out the white blanket and walk back to my still awkward position on the floor, keeping his eyes on mine

I felt my blood rush up on my face and I internally curse myself , now feeling embarrassed.

Jungkook wrap the blanket around my shoulder, covering my entire body. Instantly, I feel the warmth of the blanket and only realize the goosebumps all over my skin

Jungkook step back

I look down to gather the blanket because it was too long for me to walk and I can't risk another trip to the floor. I've had enough embarrassment during the night

But the embarrassment that I felt when I saw another thing was no other


I blink at it


blink again

my entire face flames up

My eyes goes up to Jungkook's furrowed once

I glance down at it again

then back to his eyes

It took a second before his face mirrored mine at the awareness of a tent

he look down. Then back at me with bulging eyes, terrified of himself. He opens his mouth , close

My eyes followed his hands that attempted to cover it

a poor attempt

Hurriedly, as if stung by fire, we crossed the room. Him to the bathroom, and me to the bed.

for once, we're both speechless. Panic that's rather caused by reticence


I lay stiffly on the side of the bed feeling itchy and jumpy every single time I feel the space behind me move

I tried to be stubborn but I can't

the memory keeps replaying in my head

all the touching was embarrassing enough but this is a whole other level

even now in the dark, I feel myself heat in embarrassment. One could only take certain degree of discomfiture but a series of one would take its toll

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