10: Ms. Tattler

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I invaded a territory with only my brain as my weapon. Unfortunately, my fire arms training yesterday was useless. Namjoon was afraid that there'll be an inspection before the inventory so he advised it would be best not to bring one.

William would be proud of how much I'm compromising with them. I'm putting my own life at risk by trusting these men I hadn't even know a week ago. I've agreed to their suggestion more than I ever spare William of my everlasting stubbornness and rebuttals- I always made sure to find fault. It makes me feel spot on, what can I say..

I took a deep breath, and before anxiety and fear cloud my brain, I started walking. This is it.

I catch the younger woman beside me glancing at me as we both descend the stairs.

"You'll blend in" she smiled a very tiny one, almost unnoticeable, before putting a mask on. I just nodded reassuringly to myself. Taking down each steps in hurried pace

We both slowed down when we reach the first floor.

In front of me, at least 30 people in the same attire as mine are all walking around. It's like being inside ER where everyone is busy, and hurrying down from one corner to another. There are 2 military officers stationed in every doors. In front of me, just like in the map, was the elevator.

The place is massive. Namjoon didn't tell me that and I got I feeling that I should started making a mental list Of the things that he didn't informed me.

I stand before the two huge guys, a large gun- odd looking- across their body. This time, I'm sure it was the adrenaline that made my hands shook as I handed the slip to the officer by my right. He look at me, assessing. I tried to discreetly look around and conceal my nerves

Everything is finely designed. Wall panels are grey, with soft blue lighting behind. There's a huge tree at the middle of the lobby , it's covered by huge cylinder glass walls. There are many doors, many that I do not remember was on the map. This placed already look ambitious, and a century later it will take over.

I return my attention back to the officer and noticed that he hasn't taken my slip. I felt my blood rush up

The guy by the right narrow his eyes on me

"Miss, Weren't you informed that visitation in the basement is temporarily prohibited?" The officer from my left get my attention, his eyes confused but he went to explain more "There was an attack a few days ago so currently the basement is under construction"

My limbs start to tingle. Focus, I tried chanting in my head over and over and over. This means I have to go up...

"Oh right!" I squeaked out. My voice pitch higher than usual and chuckle then stop. Remain stoic. Formal. Robot like. I cleared my throat. " I apologize. I've been busy, I must've forgot. I'll proceed to the other inventory then".

I turn around but the guy stopped me. The right officer. "Wait. Show me your ID"

Provide. If they asked for something, provide. I took it out from my pocket and hand it to him. "I lost my lace ..." I explained, noticing others who have it worn on their neck

It feels forever before he nodded and dismiss me

I ducked inside the opened elevator beside the one that leads to the basement. There were already 3 people there. Two girls, and a guy. The door closes silencing the soft chatter from the ground floor.

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