16: 5 seconds before blackout

33 2 0

I turned to the another hallway with measured steps.

My gun is raised unstable in the air. A wave of vibration touch its surface coming from my feeble backbone

"You can do this. you are y/n" I mutter to myself. Superiority complex really always screw me up. Why didn't I just walk in the safety of that passageway.

My eyes is strained to Jungkook's back as I watch him lean back a wall before pivoting to another hallway I know leads to the front door

Who am I even kidding looking after a military trained man. I'm a Chihuahua compared this Doberman

I jog lightly, following him while at the same time scanning my surrounding. I'm impressed by the lightness of my steps. The guy it still oblivious of his of his companion, but front my vantage point I can practically is ears pwrking up, picking up my silent movements

"It's okay. You've played some vr shooting games before. Just pretend you're a main character"

I blew out a needed air, as if the contraction of my lungs could ease the tension in the expansion of my being. I raise my right hand- the one using a gun- to wipe a sweat the trickled down the side of my face.

I hand pull me followed by  a masked hand on my mouth

I muffled a shout as my back landed on a chest. One arm circled around me lifting me up, off the floor. I feel my body press against a hard one, its jugged points are painfully digging in to my mushy once

Panicked stricken, I started twisting around. Trying to kick backwards in unison with my elbow  giving blows on the opponent's oblique. It was a useless attempt, as the man remained resistant

The man grunted . He turn me around, and press my back on the wall with his forearm pinning on my shoulders. The hands remained clamped down my mouth

"And here I was, mad you're helpless" Jungkook grinned, I was stunned for a few moment, but the amusement was quickly gone, replaced by death stare. When he spoke, his voice was unusually sonorous, "why the fuck are you following me? I told you to go with them didn't I ?"

I look down at his hands on my lips, I manage to dart out my tongue. He grimaced but retained his hand.

I roll my eyes, and motioned for him to let go. He  pull away, but not before shoving my face

that earned a painful glare, trying to communicate my increasing motives to murder him

I cleared my scratchy throat and whispered. Up close, I felt his breathing fuse with my own

"figured you may need a back up"

he shook his head, snarling  "No. Go back"

I shrugged, then agreed convincingly "okay, fine"

he gave me a long look and hesitated before stepping back to walk away

I begun following

he glance back at me and mutter expletives

he pointed his finger aggressively to the hallway

I smile lazily, shaking my head

He raised his gun to me, then motion for me to move

my response consist of raising my gun too, two motioning tilts for him to keep moving

he glared harder

I bat my eyes once, mockingly, accompanied with what I'm sure is an annoying smile

he fisted his hands and turned around, marching away

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