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       HAPPY NEW YEAR 🤸🤸❤️

           SAMANTHA's POV

I'm staring at the ticking clock across the room. My mom is having some of her friends come over and she had insisted I stay for lunch with her. However, being the stubborn girl I am, I chose to go to Benjamin's house to have fun with my pals. I haven't properly introduced my squad. Though I have mentioned their names once or more, I will introduce them better. My squad is a group of four people. It is made up of three boys and I'm the fourth member. We have been friends for years. Their names are Benjamin, Sweaty Obinna and Dennis. They are my bestfriends and the most annoying individuals I know. I like them because they match my crazy. No one has the audacity to yab me and force me to do what I don't want to but these boys can. You can actually get to me through them. They insult and disgust me with their behaviors but I still love them because they are funny, caring and great friends. They are good-looking to an extent. They aren't actually the finest boys in class but they are still awesome fellows. I'm super free with them and they don't judge me. They allow me to be me.

I'm yanked our of my thoughts when a pillow hits my face. We are in Benjamin's bedroom playing with his PlayStation. Dennis and Obinna are playing right now while I'm sitting on the floor awaiting my turn. I glance at Ben who has a smirk on his face. He takes another pillow and throws it at me.

I shake my head. Game on. I aim at his face and ensure the pillow I threw hit him hard. He huffs and rises, charging at me with two pillow. I stand up with just one in hand and a pillow fight begins as we hit each other. We continue till one of us surrender. He turns out to be the surrenderer.

"I still don't get. Like why is Daniel in our team?" Ben exclaims as he rubs his forehead. He takes the pillows and places them on his bed. "Like why did coach let him join the school's football team?"

I shrug.

"Why did you blackmail and threaten us when we didn't let him join? Does he even know how to play football?" he directs the question at me.

"Ode! I didn't blackmail you," I roll my eyes.

"Yeah! But you threatened us. You said you won't buy the PS Fifa CD you promised us. How could you do that to us na?" Dennis exclaims and spares a glance at me before going back to his game.

"I had no choice but to do that," I chuckle.

"Why?" He groans.

"Because I want to deal with Daniel and that is only possible if he joins the football team. He will be playing against us with some junior students for the Students' week football game"

"What? Junior students?"

"Not completely. He said he will mix his teammates. Both juniors and seniors," I shrug.

"Wait first! He plays ball?" Benjamin gasps. "I took he is more of an indoor tech genius?"

"Yeah, me too! He wins school science competitions and not football competitions. I doubt if he can play ball. Mtchew" Obinna's voice echoes in the room. He shakes his head in disagreement. 

"Surprisingly, he does. He scored three goals during yesterday practice," Dennis enlightens us and shrugs.

"Which practice?" We turn to him.

"Saturday evening practice. You guys didn't come," he replies.

"K.O" echoes from the Bluetooth speaker connected to the television and Dennis toss his game pad to me as he jumps to do his victory dance. Obinna growls and glares at TV screen.

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