Third Person's P.O.V

Bright have pushed all the limit to calm himself down. Somewhere he knew Mild would invite Win too, after all, he was in the same batch too. But still Mild shouldn't have lied. For some moments Mild made Bright to believe his promise.

Bright moved from groups to groups, and went as far as possible from Win, dragging Mild along with Him of course.

He attempted to blend in with the group, talking, falsifying his smile. Just trying to be normal as he can. He don't want tomorrow's headlines to be,

"The most powerful Businessman caught crying like a baby in a reunion party after seeing his Ex"


"Vachirawit still haven't been able to move on from his Ex"

He felt a little dizzy. There are a ton of things rambling in his mind.

'I tried to move on from him, but whenever I saw him, I remember all those moments we spent together

All those false promises that he had made, to be with me forever. I still memorize all those moments, not because I still love him or want him back, but because, I feel like I didn't deserve all that happen to me.

All those years I spent my time on a liar, gave my affection, Heart and soul to the wrong person, to a cold-hearted person, who didn't deserve my love', He thought, almost at his verge to cry.

"Greetings, Mr Chivaaree and Mr Uengtrakul", Bright heard voice from his behind, which made him back into reality.

He turned back and then looked at Mild at his left, in confusion, giving off a signal that if he know this person, but Mild replied that he doesn't recognise him properly. All of this conversation was going in Bro-Code.

Not to make it more awkward, they politely greeted him back.

"I'm luke Ishikawa"

"I'm luke Ishikawa"

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He seems familiar...

'Oh yeah, he's the owner of a new tech gaming company and a model too', Mild whispered in Bright's ears.

"It's nice to meet you, luke", I said with a big smile.

A man approached luke, "Babe, we should go home, kids are awake and they're not listening to babysitter!", Bright tried to see the man's face properly, as he was facing his back.

"Luke is married and has kids!?", Mild asked.

"I also don't know man", Brighg said and shrugged off the shoulder.

As they finish talking, luke turned to both, "So sorry but we're heading out"

"Oh no, But why?", Mild showed his dismay.

"My kids are being troubled for the babysitter", Luke said with a small laugh.

"Honey, let's go na!"

The smile from Bright's face quickly faded away when he saw the other man's face...

"Oh and, this is my husband, Win Ishikawa"

His heart sank when he saw Win, introduced as Luke's husband

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His heart sank when he saw Win, introduced as Luke's husband... he didn't know he's married, to luke and have kids, it was unexpected for him.

"Thank you so much for inviting us, Hope to see you guys again", He waved them bye and holded Win's hand, disappearing from the vision.

Bright, from the expression, was more in frustrations than anger, As the whole time, Win acted as if they were nothing... like he never know Bright exist too...


He tried to hide his pain a lot... but couldn't hold his memory more.


"Yeah, you heard it right! I'm cheating on you, Bright!"


"Stop your fucking bullshit! I don't care how much you love me! I don't love you Bright!"


"BECAUSE YOU'RE POOR! You don't have any future goal, you don't even know what you're gonna do after graduation!"


"Bright... I have a big future plan and even if my parents are supportive towards my sexuality, they expect my partner to be rich and serious about me... but you're a careless person..."


"It would be better if we break up..."


"I don't love you anymore Bright... I don't"

Flashback End***


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