Third Person's P.O.V

Bright excused himyself from the party and went outside to get some fresh air.

His whole tuxedo feels like it's suffocating him, he loosen  his tie-down and open some of the upper button of his shirt. But now it feels like his inner organs gonna puke out from his mouth.

The dizziness turned into a headache, Making his head heavy. Before he can faint, he sat down on a nearby bench and stable myself.

He breaks down in anger tears, bawls nonstop at the memory.

Bright doesn't remember much about what exactly he said, But Win's every word is imprinted in his memory.

Even if he wants to forget everything, it just keeps getting worse. Win's each word replay in his dreams, like a nightmare... he even stops sleeping at night to stop this...

'I'm still unable to understand why he suddenly cut me off like we were nothing.

I was really in love with him, he even cheated on me twice, I let it go because I loved him, I thought it was just a mistake... it was my fault that my boyfriend cheated on me to get sexual pleasure, maybe I wasn't giving him enough...

But that day, he suddenly he break up with me......', He thought

He quickly wipes his tears off, and tried to stop him sobbing to not make it obvious to others that he's a crybaby.

"BRIGHT YOU'RE FUCKING 31 YEARS OLD! STOP FUCKING CRYING LIKE A BABY!", I repeatedly hit myself and reminded myself.


He soon texted mild that he will be heading to the hotel by himself. Mild insisted on coming with me but Bright told him to be there for a while.

He called his driver to pick him up.

He then look around his surroundings, he found himself near a bus stop, alone on the streets. He them remember that he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't pay attention to how far he was going all the way.

He can only see a street light, front of him. It's pitch black everywhere, as other street lights are off.

That street light in front of him started to flicker and soon got off

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That street light in front of him started to flicker and soon got off. And now it's dark everywhere.

'What a damn situation I'm in! And then there's a forest on the west... I just don't wanna be someone's dinner tonight', Bright thought.

'I really fucking hate this city, it's not changed a bit, still that shitty and creepy place

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'I really fucking hate this city, it's not changed a bit, still that shitty and creepy place...', He started to count all the things he hate, to keep him distract.

'Gosh, I hate this quietness... It's so fucking quiet that I can hear my breathing', He continued with the complains. 'Wait...

He suddenly heard someone high pitched noises from distances. "I'm not panting!?", Bright said. For a second his heart stops beating from fear. He can hear someone breathing heavily, panting really hard And he's quite sure that it's not him...

He starts to follow the noise and went more deep under and further again. He looked around but no one's on the streets, not a single person. But Someone was there but due to the dark, he couldn't tell about that.

After the second thought, Bright guessed it's an animal, but then he can hear crying and sobbing too... surely, this is a human.

He turned his phone's flashlight on to see something. He checked everywhere, but couldn't find anyone near. He tried to focus on the sounds to find where it's coming from.

The crying and sobbing are getting worse and worse. And It's coming from the forests...

Ring Ring***


The sudden ringing of the phone nearly gave him a heart attack. He picked up the call with his shaky hands, "Hello, Sir?", The driver said, who was about to pick Bright but couldn't find him near the location.

"Gosh! You almost gave me the experience of death...", Bright scolded.

"What!... How? Sir are you ok?"

"No, I'm not! I don't know where I'm and it's so fucking dark here, and you know what, Someone is crying like literally crying in the woods..."

"WHAT? Where are you at right now?"

"I don't know... It's dark everywhere... hmm, there's a convenience store, about 8 or 9 meters away..."

"Sir just stay where you are! Don't even move a bit, I'm on the way, Sir mild called me to pick him up too, I'm at the reunion place right now, don't worry I'm coming, Sir"

"Hm, just hurry"

After hanging up the call, he tried to go back from where he came from, but it was so hard to tell the right direction in this immense darkness.

"I have seen a lot's of horror movies... where ghosts cry like this to catch its prey, and once the person goes near to look out for it... Ghost eat the person alive..."

"What if someone's really in trouble, but what if it out to be a ghost? then it would catch me and make me it's dinner!?", He panicked at this thought.

"What the fuck should I do!!!", He clenched my fists in tension.

Before He can decide something, Suddenly everything got silent around, no more cries he can hear.


The surrounding is pitch black, so he tried to adjust his vision to see something.


He turned back and saw a manly figure, struggling to stand properly, wobbling and crying, in front of the convenience store.

'What should I do? Should I mind my own business?', He thought.


~SURPRISE!!! 🙃 And A Very Happy New Year to y'all 😊💞 Stay Safe, Stay Healthy. 💕😊

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