Chapter 1-Twinkle twinkle little star

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The moon shone brightly, concealed by clouds. The indigo sky took up most of my view. Not a single star decided to show up today.

The wind brushed past my ankles leaving a chill up my spine All around me were trees, just trees no buildings.

I was on a hill a few minutes away from the village where I lived, away from it's troubles and stresses. Don't get me wrong, I love that place with my heart and soul but recently the stress has become unbearable.

I would come here when I was sad or stressed, the main source of stress being my stepmother and stepsisters. I used to think I'd be able to get along with them but now I think it's impossible. If I could I would run away but I know they would find me somehow and drag me back and torture me.

Last time I tried, I ran until I couldn't anymore and thought I was safe in a small shelter I found. No ne found me for a few days so I thought I was safe but then they came.


I was going back to the shelter after hunting but then I saw Lydia, my stepmother, by the entrance. Shocked, I dropped everything and ran back in the direction I came from.

I kept running,

And running,

And running,

And running

And running

Until two pairs of hands grabbed my arms and yanked me backwards.

I fell backwards into a pile of leaves and grazed my elbows.

I looked up to see two smug, snobbish, egoistic blondes. I would call them bitches but they look more like unevolved monkeys.

It was Blaire and Claire, my dim-wit stepsisters.

"Where do you think you're going, y/n?"

"Yeah, y/n"

Then they dragged me back to our cottage, occasionally making snarky remarks or kicking me. When we got back, they threw me in a wooden chair and tied my limbs together and a cloth around my mouth. Lydia pulled my hair from my scalp while my stepsisters dripped melted wax on my body. Overall, it was a night of pent up hatred and torture.

The sky was slowly getting lighter and the moon was setting, making room for the radiant sun.

Sighing, I got up and dusted my skirt.

I wore a long dress with a faded pink skirt reaching just above my ankles and the top was a light and faded shade of teal with sleeves reaching my elbows. My feet were adorned with plain, worn-out sandals.

I made my way back to my home and reached before the sun started to rise. I sneaked into the house and made my way into the kitchen.

Ever since my father died, Lydia set out some 'rules' for me specifically. It's really a bunch of chores that im expected to do and how im supposed to behave. One rule is that I have to make breakfast for them before they wake up. Another is that im supposed to get their baths ready. I mean, they're all grown adults over 20 and can't even do this much and expect ME to do it for them. It's a basic task too. It's things like these that make me wonder how dumb humankind can really be.

Anyway, I proceeded to do all my chores and set the table then left. Another rule was that I wasn't supposed to be in their sight while they eat cus it'll "ruin their mood". Im only supposed to appear if im called so here I am, waiting in our hallway.

I watched the grandfather clock tick by, second after second after second after second after second after second after second after second after second....

Ding dong

I was awoken from my trance by a loud, high-pitched ring of a bell. I made my way over to the dining table and looked at them in annoyance.

"What is it dear siblings and mother?" I cannot explain in words the cringe I felt at that moment.

"Why is my water STALE?" Blaire whined.

"Yeah why's the water stale, y/n?" Claire added.

At this point im starting to lose the few brain cells I have left.

"Im sincerely sorry, I'll change it." I fake smiled and took Claire and Lydia's glasses. The urge to spill it on them was strong.

I was about to take Blaire's but then


....she spilled the entire thing on me. I could feel the water seeping through my clothes.

I was beyond annoyed and enraged is an understatement.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

I wanna hit you with my car,

Throw you off a cliff so high,

Hope you break your neck and die

Twinkle twinkle little star

I will hit you with my car


A/N: If you're here thank you for reading (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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