Chapter 6-Monsters

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I opened my tired eyes reluctantly. The room was silent with the exception of the chirping birds outside. The sun had just risen, illuminating my small room. I looked around with weary eyes at my drawer, bookshelves and desk. I've had this room since I was a kid.

The walls were a faded shade of f/c and the floor was covered in oak planks. The room was small because the house used to have only two bedrooms until my dad extended it upon Lydia's arrival. There was a single, large, floor-length window on the far wall with f/c curtains. There was a wooden drawer on the left wall with f/c handles and a small piggybank sat on top. On the right wall were a few bookshelves and a door leading to my bathroom. The bottom wall had a door leading to the hallway to the left end and a single bed on the right end. My bed had f/c pillows and bedding. Next to the bed was a small bedside table with a single drawer and a lamp atop.

I got up and got myself ready for the day. I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror at my reflection.

My hair was tangled, my eyes were puffy and red, my complexion was pale, and I had a few cuts and bruises on my face. I looked down at my bandaged arms and legs, mainly covered by my pyjamas, and couldn't help but frown. I always told myself there'd be better days.

I opened up the drawer on my bedside table and took out a pack of plasters. I went back to the mirror and put them on.

After that I went to the kitchen and started my work.

Soon, the twins and Lydia came and I served breakfast. After we all ate, the twins retreated to their rooms, leaving me and Lydia alone. I would've gone too if Lydia hadn't told me to stay back.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room and yesterday's events made my unease worse. I was panicking inside

Why would she want to talk to me and why did she tell me to stay back?

Soon she broke the suspenseful silence.

"Y/n dear~"

"y-yes step-mother," I was taken aback by her obviously fake-sweet voice.

"Why don't you spend the day out dear, have a little rest day, hmm?" She made direct eye contact with me, her emerald eyes sparkled with a tinge of unknown emotion. She smirked slightly, adding to my suspicions.

Why would she want me to leave? She never lets me go out.

Despite my suspicions, I knew deep inside that it would be better to comply than ask questions.

"Uh sure of course."

With that I left and went to my room. Currently, I wore a dress with a white, long sleeved top and a long f/c skirt. The sleeves were slightly cuffed and stopped at my wrists. I tied up my hair with a spare ribbon that I found in my drawer and left the house.

I felt a gush of wind hit my face as soon as I stepped out of the house. It felt nice to go out since I don't get to do this often. I thought for a moment about Lydia. Why was she so nice all of a sudden? And why did she tell me to leave?

Questions raced across my mind as I stood, dazed, outside the front door....

Is she trying to kick me out? Why didn't I think of this sooner?! Where am I going to live? How am I going to eat? What if someone breaks in? WHAT IF I DIE??????


Ok, calm down y/n take a big breath..1..2..3..4..5..6..7 ok breathe out just don't overthink and you'll be fine.

I walked around a bit for a while until I decided to walk around. I ended up in the forest.

I've been here a few times before so I know my way. The further I went in the quieter it all became.

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