Chapter 2-Take a hint

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Currently, I was brewing coffee for the twins and Lydia.

I put in two cubes of sugar in Blaire's and three in Claire's. Lydia prefers no sugar for some reason. I don't understand how people drink coffee without sugar but hey who am I to judge.

I put the cups on a tray and made my way over to the table. I gently set the tray down and handed out the cups. This one time I 'accidentally' banged it on the table and got an earful from Lydia.

After handing out the cups I turned to leave until I heard someone call out to me.

"Y/n darling go run a few errands for me, okay sweetie?" Oh, the cringe

"Of course step-mother," I replied with a fake smile.

She handed me a list along with an envelope of money.

The list read out 'Milk, cheese, eggs, 3m of cotton, rosemary, mint, a package from Mr. Moore'

Why him? A little before dad died, whenever Lydia would send me on errands for groceries she would also tell me to get something from this guy called Mr. Moore. He's an absolute creep. Whenever I'd go see him, he'd try to hit on me even when I was twelve. For fuck's sake he's 42 and im 17. Even without the gap I'd never hook up with him. He has dyed silver hair and a bunch of piercings and gives me pedo vibes.

I have my suspicions of Lydia having an affair with him based on clear evidence. When I caught them when I was younger she dragged me home kept hitting me until I agreed not to snitch.

Anyway I grabbed a basket and made my way out of the house to the marketplace.

It wasn't too far from our house and only took a few minutes. When I arrived, the place was , unfortunately, extremely lively and crowded. I personally dislike loud places and being around lots of people. Better hurry up and get this done with.


I finished getting everything off the list except for the parcel so now I was on my way to get it. I hate this, why do I have to do this? He gives off bad vibes and creeps the hell out of me

Soon I found myself in the alley where he usually is. A creepy place for a creepy guy. I looked around to see no sign of him. Yay! Im safe! I turned around only to bump into a hard chest.

The smell of cologne surrounded me as I grimaced knowing exactly who it was. I held my breath and looked up to see him.

"Hi, princess!" He looked down at me with his usual smirk.

"Good afternoon, Mr Moore," Why won't the day just end already?

"Princess, how many times have I told you? Just call me Jay,"

"Oh but that would be too informal of me," I flashed him a fake smile even though I was deeply annoyed on the inside.

"Then let it be after all it's just you and me here," with that he edged closer.

What the hell is wrong with him?! Take a hint im not interested

"Sorry Mr. Jay, step-mother told me to hurry back before day-break and it's already quite late," I discretely tried to reach for the parcel in his hand. Unfortunately, this didn't go beyond his sight.

" I'm sure we have plenty time to spare, Y/n dear~" He raised the parcel above his head.

Just give me the parcel and leave already

" Oh but step-mother insists-"

"She can wait" He snaked his arm around my waist.

The urge to kick his where the sun doesn't shine is getting hard to resist

"Would you look at the time, it's inner time already- I must get going," I gave in and kicked him roughly there, snatched the parcel and took my chance to run away.

I neared the exit of the alley and hope overtook me, but not for long as soon I felt an arm around my waist and a hand over my mouth.

Oh God please help!


Get your hands off my hips before I punch you in the lips

Stop staring at my- hey!

Take a hint, take a hint

No you can't buy me a drink

Let me tell you what I think

I think you could use a mint

Take a hint

Take a hint

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