Option A

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                     Option A-Go in the forest

I decided to follow the voice.
I turn and take a step, and another, and another. I keep walking.
Oh look the forest is moving closer.
It keeps calling me, I should probably reply after all it's the polite thing to do.
"Yes where are you"
I find myself at the entrance.
"Y/n "
"Y/n come here"
"Where?" I reply with a giggle. Everything's spinning.
"Come here y/n in the forest."
I obey entering the forest. As soon as I stepped in it the wind stopped, along with what little noise there was in the village. The sky was hidden behind the trees. They loomed over me intimidating me. In contrast to the giddy state I was in earlier, I felt tired and ...heavy?
I look around trying to comprehend my surroundings while venturing deeper into the forest.

Then I felt a rock slip from under my shoes. I saw the world spin backwards... or was it forwards?
I felt two strong arms wrap around me, and cologne filled my senses.
Who's here?
I reluctantly open my eyes to find a tall man in a fitted black suit.
He was warm and nice.
"Mmmm" I hummed quietly with as much strength as I could muster. I wanna sleep.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to meet you. Sadly I can't just yet."
I try to open my eyes again. He has black hair and

Purple eyes? Lucian?
"Nope, not him"
He sounds different. His voice is deeper. Who is he?

Doesn't matter, he's warm and that's all I need.
I snuggle into him more and rest my head on his chest. His heartbeat soothes me and lulls me to sleep.
"I lo-"
Was all I heard before I fell into a deep slumber.
.. that and his heartbeat.
-which was unusually fast dare I say
Maybe he's sick?

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