Chapter3-Damsel in Distress

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??? POV-

I was on one of my yearly visits to the public to see how they lived and such. Father's always been against these visits but personally I highly enjoy them. It's nice being outside the palace doors and taking in some fresh air.

Unfortunately, I still have to be babysat and 'looked after' by guards.

A smile adorned my countenance as I walked through the busy streets. The place was packed with people, all rushing around.

 There were vendors scattered around luring customers by the minute.

There were stalls were bright and colourful, varying in merchandise from fruits to bags to stationary and more.

There were mothers dragging their children by their arms.

There were friends chatting over tea and croissants in one of the cafes.

There were children squirting water at each other through toy water guns.

There were maidens being kidnapped by old men.







I turned my head to look back in the direction I just caught sight of her to see a bunch of heads in the way. My heart rate quickened and I began to sweat.

Do I tell someone? Should I go help? What if I can't do anything? What if he's too strong? What if he's armed???

-Okay Lucian calm down you've got this. You have your sword and spent 15 years learning martial arts you can do this NOW GO!

I ran in the direction I saw her and struggled through the bustling crowd.

"EXCUSE ME! Pardon me. SORRY" If not before people certainly saw me now from all the commotion I heard behind me over the calling of my guards and royal advisor.

I drained their voices and focused on my main goal- to save her!

I kept running and shoving past people until I reached an alleyway in an isolated area of the marketplace. I heard some muffled screaming from deep within and cautiously walked in, hand on my sword.

"Who's there?....TALK" I got no response and pulled out my sword on instinct.

The place was dark and I felt uneasy from just entering.

Then I saw a flash of silver. A KNIFE! HE WAS GOING TO HURT HER.

Instantly, I ran to the source of the light and swung my sword to be met with the sound of metal clashing.

"Don't try and play hero with me."


A/N : thank you for reading and sorry if it's short    :)

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