Valentines Special

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Valentines Special

The cold handle of my door caused a shiver down my spine - a stark contrast to my warm, bruised hand. I gently twisted it and stepped in. I grabbed the plastic box under my bed and sat down, opening it. As I pulled out a small vial of disinfectant I felt a gentle breeze on my shoulder.
I made a mental note to close it later.
After bandaging myself up, I reached for a bottle of hand cream in my nightstand. After applying it, I blew at my hands to relieve the burning sensation.
Unfortunately, it didn't help much.
Remembering the window, I got up to close it, a wave of tiredness engulfing me.
My vision blurred into blues, reds and whites-or was it yellow?
The sun was bright, flooding in through the window.
'Weird, I thought I closed it.'
Turning to my side, groaning, I opened my eyes.
"Why's it so quiet?" It's usually much noisier at this hour, especially with the twins around.
I sat up and touched my forehead instinctively.
"Hmm?" Where did it go? I had a bruise here yesterday. I pulled up my sleeve. The bruise there had also disappeared.
Filled with a swirl of confusion and lethargy, I got up and got ready for the day. After fully waking up, I noticed something on my nightstand.
As I approached it, I also saw something shine under my bed. I decided to investigate the object on my nightstand first.

A flower. It was a red rose, thorns trimmed. I sat on my bed pondering it.
A rose? How did it get here? Someone couldn't have  put it there the window was closed, wasn't it?
I traced the petals as I thought.
To be honest I don't want to know where it came from. The thought of a secret admirer filled me with warmth. The thought of someone caring for me filled me to the brim with butterflies.
Warmth rushed to my cheeks and I smiled.
'This feels nice.'
I reached under my bed to find a necklace. A thin, gold chain with a small emerald in the centre. A wider smile tugged at the corner of my lips while a pit of guilt sat in my stomach. Why would anyone get this for me?

I shook my head to rid myself of this rosy haze and got up.
After wandering the house for a bit, I discovered the absence of Lydia and the twins. I looked over at the calendar.
Tuesday the 14th of February.
Oh, it's Valentine's Day. That explains their absence.
Well the twins mostly doesn't really explain Lydia's since who would wanna love her?
I looked out the window to find that the sun's setting. I must've woken up pretty late then. what?
I decide to go out on a walk.
As soon as I step outside the cold air hits me. I should've brought my cloak. I turn to go back in to get it but find that the door's locked.
WHAT?! What do I do now??!
What if Lydia comes back she probably doesn't have the keys either
What if something happens

Thoughts kept rushing through my head as fell on the pavement in defeat with a heavy heart.
What now?
I need to calm down. Okay breathe in
And breath out
Breath in
And out
Okay I can do this let's just walk to rid this stress.
I walk for a bit before reaching the edge of my village and the entrance to the forest.
This particular forest has been the topic of rumours for years now, ever since the death of Odette. It's rumoured that the vilest creatures reside here and those who enter become tied to the forest for eternity.
Facing the forest, I ponder on what to do now. My mind has cleared and I feel much better. I turn and start my journey home.
I hear a voice call me and turn to the direction of the source. It seems to come from the forest. Immediately, I decide against pursuing the voice.
"Y/n" it calls again
I walk faster now.
I felt something. A weight on my shoulder and a wave of some unknown emotion. I felt lightheaded and giddy.
It's calling me , it keeps calling me.
What should I do?
                    Option A-Go in the forest
                    Option B-Continue home

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