Chapter 5-Airplanes

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Disclaimer: This chapter may include themes of violence so beware :)


Y/n's POV:

"Oh...sorry...-and I wasn't laughing at you."

Yes I was laughing at him, mainly his cuteness. It's odd calling a stranger cute but he is.



I meant cute-cute, like uhhhhh cinnamon roll cute.

He had violet eyes and jet-black hair that reached his ears. The slight breeze made his locks dance ever-so-slightly.

COME ON Y/n GET IT TOGETHER! Here you are in an alley at night with some stranger

Oh shit it's night

As a wave of realisation hit me I stood there processing all this.

"-Ummmm....are you okay miss...?" His voice was gentle and soothing, like hot chocolate on a rainy day.

"Sorry I've got to go!" With that I ran off, basket in hand.

"W-WAIT!" The voice was now just a memory as I had neared my destination-worry, anxiety and dread filling my mind.

Lydia's POV:

*tic tock* *tic tock* *tic tock*

Where is she?! Where's that insolent brat?!

All I asked for were a few things and she's taking so long!

I turned to the clock to see it hit 11. Where the hell could she be?!


Did she run away, no she couldn't have, there's no way, but-

"-I'm sorry I took so long!" I saw her barge in, hair shrivelled, skirt torn and with shoes more scuffed than they were when she left.

I gave her a cold glare. "Where were you?"

Y/n's POV:

"Where were you?" It sounded like more of an interrogation rather than a question.

"I..I went to g...get the parcel then..." I was breathless from all that running. I don't run often.

"Then what?" Her eyes didn't leave my figure.

Then what happened....I went to get the stuff then the parcel..I saw Mr Moore and got the parcel...




As I tried to recall the day's events, Lydia grew impatient.

Suddenly, I was yanked by the arm and dragged deeper into the house. I passed Claire's room, then Blaire's, then Lydia's, then the guestroom, then mine.

We approached a worn out oak door and my face visibly paled.

My breath got hitched in my throat and I sweat dropped. Memories upon memories upon memories flashed in my mind as the feelings of before were reborn.

The door was slammed open, creaking slightly, I was dragged into the unlit room. We ventured further until another door approached. Lydia let go of me for a split-second and pulled out a set of keys. She unlocked the door, opened it swiftly, and dragged me in.

I was fighting back tears as dread and distress overwhelmed me.

I was pushed into a chair and tied. My heart was racing and pounding, my vison was blurry and my palms were sweating.

This was the room where Lydia would torture me privately. This was the room where she would scar me. This was the room where I lived most my childhood. This was the room were I cried and screamed. This was the one room which only I and her knew about. This was the room where I was once born. This was the room which I deemed worse than hell.

I was a mess.

My heart was beating but it felt like it wasn't, I was breathing but it felt like I wasn't, I could see but it felt like I was blind, I could hear but it felt like I was deaf, I could talk but it felt like I was mute.

My eyes travelled to my arms, pinned to the arms of the chair.

I saw blood.

I saw cuts.

I saw gashes.

I saw bruises.

I saw ink.

I saw needles.

I saw tools.

I saw scars.

Then they travelled to my legs through the tears of my skirt.

I saw a knife gliding over my thigh.

I saw a screwdriver stabbed in them.

I saw blood-soaked bandages.

I saw shards of glass.

I saw thorns.

I looked up to see her face. Her nose stud. Her wicked eyes and wide smile. Her knife. Her long nails.

She took a piece of cloth and tied it around my mouth. I looked past her, at the locked door, at my escape, at my light, at my hope, at my saviour, before she blocked my vision.

"Now remember y/n....what are you?"

My mouth started moving on it's own.

"A mistake."


Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars

Cus I could really use a wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now


A/n : I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading. I had a hard time picking out a song for this chapter and ended up choosing airplanes because I feel like it relates to y/n's feelings in this chapter and as always the picture doesn't belong to me. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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