Chapter 14

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Α second under the rain

Like a rock in a turtle's path. Like a needle piercing you as you were sewing. Like a huge shade, he stood in front of me blocking my path and freezing my pace.

"Are you Antonia?", he asked.

"Yes", I answered and was immediately slapped by his hand whose arm was covered by a red armband.

'A Warrior', I thought as my face had leaned in the other direction by the harsh slap. The girl from my dorm room accompanying me took a step back cutting any ties that she had with me to make clear to the man in front of her that she had nothing to do with this... with me.

I turned my face relentlessly looking at him unbothered.

"I see. So for you to be here, it means your daughter informed you about everything, right? She told you that she bullied, hit, and even went as far as to break my friend's ankle. Or didn't she and she just informed you about what would profit her? Wait, maybe she truly told you but as you have taught her, the powerful should step on the weakling. And now that somebody more powerful than her appeared she ran to her father like a puppy to protect her. Because now she took the place of the weakling. Interesting, don't you think?"

In anger he raised his hand again indicating his Warrior identity and intending to strike my cheek again.

"And her father also acts controlled by his remorse and is now ready to hit a child and take out his anger on her, because he cannot justify his deed with words. Because... he knows he is in the wrong"

I furrowed my eyes making him freeze for a moment.

"I will now leave. I have practice, you see, to become a Warrior fair and square. I don't have a dad that he is an Honorary Marleyan. So goodbye!", my cute fake voice turned to a deep devilish tone.


"Antonia. That's your personal best at running" being on his horse, Magath told me looking down at me from above as I breathed hard staring at the sky like waiting for the cloudless sky to purr water of rain droplets in my mouth and soothe my thirst.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with grey clouds out of nowhere and rain droplets ran inside my mouth. The training would be skipped. I giggled in the middle of the rain while others hid to find refuge.

"Thank you", I whispered and touched my swollen cheek. An answer was given to me by this world and I knew what I had to do.


Splashing the little lakes created by the rain, I waited patiently. My jacket's hood was the only thing to protect me from the rain.

"You can come in now", the guard in front of me told me after he had opened the door of the villa. I slightly smiled. He looked like a tall Nutcracker like the wallpaper of the Russian ballet sharing the same outfit.

I had nowhere to wipe my shoes and water was dripping from the corners of my whole body. The butler took my jacket and gave me warm slippers. Ready this time I followed my Nutcracker who guided me to the office. The engraved wooden door opened to reveal behind it the head of the Tybur family.

Even if I was a dirty, devilish Eldian for him, he got up and welcomed me with open arms making me even unsure if that was acting or not. Denying to sit down and be the one looking down at Willy Tybur who sat down to his glorious seat.

"I want to propose a deal", I started determinedly.

"I want you to adopt me to the Tybur family".

Blinded by the pitch darkness (Aot x Fan gets Isekaied)Where stories live. Discover now