~ chapter 19 ~

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After Liv, Hayley and I watched some episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and ate our desserts that Liv and I made, I grabbed the left overs and putted them in the freezer. After I've done that I went back to the living room and sat back down and snuggled into Hayley.
"Are you tired?" Hayley asked
"A little bit." I yawned
Hayley and Liv chuckled.
"What?" I asked confused
"Go to bed Mel you're tired." Hayley said while playing with my hair.
"Hmmm, okay." I said and got up from the coach.
"Goodnight loves." I said and continued walked upstairs.
"Goodnight Mel.!" I heard Hayley and Liv yell. I opened my bedroom door, grabbed my pjs and went with them to the bathroom. I put them down on the heating. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun.
I did the lights out from the bathroom, closed the door and went to my bed.
It didn't last long before I was already asleep.

The next morning:

It was now 10am and I was still very sleepy but I had to get out of bed.
I sighed and stood up. I stepped into my stitch slippers and went downstairs.
Hayley was already downstairs but because I was to tired I didn't said anything and went straight to the kitchen.
"Well someone is in a good mood," Hayley joked
I ignored her and made myself a extra large coffee.
When my coffee was finally ready I went towards the living room and sat down with a deep sigh on the seat.
"What's wrong Mel?" Hayley asked worried
"Come on Mel what's wrong?"
"I said nothing! Okay? I'm just very tired that's all." I sighed
"You sure?" Hayley asked again
"Yeah I'm sure Hayley. Let's just watch some tv okey?"
We both watched some tv while I ate my breakfast and when I was done I went back upstairs. I checked my phone and saw that I had a lot of messages.
So I opened my phone and saw that they were from Marc. I sighed and clicked on the messages.


Are you awake?
Are you ignoring me?
Melany seriously?

Are you out of your mind?!
You can't just spam me like that!

Wow sorry I thought you
were ignoring me.

Just because I don't answer in
1 2 3 doesn't mean I'm ignoring you!

Why didn't you answer me tho

Do I really need to tell you that?!
Well Uhm I was sleeping
  and then I woke up and went to
eat breakfast.

Sorry beautiful.

Oh and plss stop
calling me beautiful!
Why did you even spammed me?

well I texted you because.


Spammed* you is because I would
like to go on a second date with you.
I really like you and I think you're really beautiful,funny, caring,...
so what do you think?

I'm sorry mark but I don't see you that way. I mean we still can be friends and stuff but bc I don't feel the same about you like you do for me I think it's the better that we don't go on dates anymore.
I don't want to play with your feelings..

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