~ chapter 51 ~

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~ tonight's gonna be great!~

It was almost 2am and we were now heading or way through the crowd to the exit. I was exhausted to say the least. My legs are hurting as hell and so does my head.

We were all laughing, but to be honest i don't even know why we we were laughing. We probably drank a little to much, oops. Luckily training only starts at 2pm tomorrow for the boys, so we don't have to wake up early.

As you can guess we danced and drank a lot. There was also a photo booth in which me and Kylian took some cute photos. Which we will later post on our Instagram.

We finally made it outside the club.
Thank God I was happy to finally have some air.

"I'll see you later. We definitely going out soon to eat something with us three." Jess said while we were all trying to stand on our heels and not to fall. Luckily the boys were there so we could lean on them a little.
"Yeah, we definitely should." I agreed and so did Hiba.
"We'll figure out a date and then we'll see." Hiba said and Jess and I nodded yes.

"Alright I'll see you guys!" I said and waved them all goodbye as they did the same.

"You're so drunk." Kylian chuckled
"I-I'm not. Why would you say that." I said as I slightly hit his chest.
"Because you are. You can barely stand on your own feet."
"This heels are just hurting me."
"Yeah yeah." He smiled obviously not believing me and gave my forehead a small kiss.

We walked to our car which was a few meters away from the club and I leaned against his side seeking for support.
He placed his arm tighter around my waist and walked to the car.

He opened the door for me and belted my seatbelt. He then closed the door and went to his side. He looked over to me and saw that I was getting a little tired now. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I can tell that won't last long.

He smiled and then drove off to his house. His arm resting on my thigh like he always does.

Kylian's pov:

We arrived after around 15 minutes and I parked the car in de driveway.

When I looked over to my right I saw that she was peacefully asleep.
I smiled to myself, how could someone be so beautiful and innocent while sleeping.

I stepped out of the car and then went to her side. I softly opened the passenger door so that I would not wake her up.
I unbelted her and then I picked her up in bridal style.

She didn't gave a flinch. She's a deep sleeper sometimes apparently.

I opened the front door and then carried her to my room. But lately it feels more like our room. I grabbed her makeup remover and softly/gently took off her makeup.
I then grabbed her pjs and changed her,
which was very difficult, believe me.

I lastly placed her in a better position to sleep and got changed myself.
When I changed I crawled into bed next to her and took her gently in my arms.
So that she was with her back against
my chest.

"Goodnight my love." I whispered softly in her ear. "I love you very much."

Time skip:

Only you -Kylian Mbappe-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt