a/n (read before moving on)

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Normally in authors notes I say I wanna forget about the book, but it's not the case here, I just wanna say I plan to make this book a long one, because you don't fall in love with someone right away, or start liking them right away, as their preteens in the first season I think it's more important to use the word like before love.

Like in the show Mike doesn't say he loves eleven until the third season, he does say he likes her throughout the first and second, that being said I want to use more of a middle school crush diamic.

And also like just going to say this... Whenever this book is over.. I'm def writing a james x Troy BC THEIR HOMOPHOBIC BUT ALSO LIKE VERY WEIRD TOGETHER- they better make a clap back in season four cause their characters were funny as fuck.

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