Chapter 13

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I look across the courtyard, watching all the students from the two other school visiting for the tournament socialize with other students. I watch Viktor walk with a mix of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, at least ten girls, fawning over him and following him everywhere he goes. I snicker watching him uncomfortably try to ignore them.

"May I sit with you?" I smile up at Cedric and gesture for him to sit down. He smiles softly as he takes the open spot next to me. "How have you been?" He ask me. "Good." I answer him. He nods, his smile faltering. "I heard about you and Draco." He says shifting in his spot. I smile awkwardly at him. It's been about a week since our fight. It gets easier every day. But it's all anyone wants to bring up anymore. "I'm okay. Really." I tell him smiling.

He smiles brightly back at me. "Good. I'm glad to hear that." He stands up and offers me his hand. I smile, grabbing his hand for leverage to stand up. We walk in a comfortable silencee just admiring the scenery. We make it to the wooden bridge and when we make it to about the middle, he stops to lean against the bridge railing. "Can I tell you something?" He asks getting serious. I nod.

He takes in a deep breath and releasing it. "I'm going mental about the last task." He says. I get in the same position as him, standing next to him, our arms brushing, "You always seem so confident. It's nice finding out Cedric Diggory is just as scared as us common folk." I tell him somewhat joking. He smiles faintly at me trying to make him more comfortable talking about this. "Is it because of your dad?" I ask him. The smile disappeared from his face while he nods yes. I look away from him back to the view over the bridge

"He's just so excited and proud of me. I'm afraid to disappoint him." He tells me lowering his voice. I smile at him. "Your dad seems like an incredible father. Anytime I see you both together, he's always so happy. Not afraid to show his emotions towards you. He's always hugging you, patting you on the back. He never fails to let you know he's proud of you and that you are loved. I wish I had a father like that." I finish off the last part quietly.

Cedric looks to me his face going soft. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks me. I smile softly and shake my head. "Don't go and try to change the subject on me, Mr. Diggory." I say joking around. He raises his hands in defense, "You caught me." He says joking back. "I understand your fear of disappointing him. But no matter what, your father is going to be proud of you. Win or lose." I tell him slightly nudging his shoulder with mine. He smiles back at me. "Thanks Cassy." He says.

"We should hang out more." He tells me.
I nod. "Yeah. I would love that." He smiles back at me, his eyes shining bright. His eyes look behind me and he frowns. I turn to see Professor Moody heading right towards us. "Is it bad that that man terrifies me?" Cedric whispers to me. I shake my head. "Same." I whisper back. "I can't say too much about him. He's the one who told me to put the egg underwater." He tells me. I whip around to stare at him. "He told you?" I ask. He nods. "Why would he help you? And how would he even know to do that?" Cedric shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not sure. He just told me and then to be sure to tell Harry about it." I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion.

He stumbles over to us, eyeing us up and down. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Mr. Diggory?" He says staring at Cedric. Cedric looks at me, as if to ask me if I'm good, and I nod. "I'll see you later." He tells me. He walks off, glancing back a few times at us, worried for me. I give him a last reassuring smile before he disappears off the bridge, out of sight. "Hello, Professor." I say looking over the bridge again.

He watches as students pass us by. "The next task is in a few weeks." Is all he says. I turn my face too look at him. I nod, not knowing what to say. "Are you prepared?" He asks. I laugh and shake my head. "How am I supposed to be prepared for something that I have no idea what the task is going to be?" He turns to face me. "I could tell you." He says staring at me. I narrow my eyes eye him. "Is this a trick? Like I will get disqualified from the tournament if I say yes?" I say looking around waiting for Dumbledore to jump out at me. He laughs. His loud and obnoxious laugh. He shakes his head no. His face goes solemn again. "The day of the task at the Black Lake, I dropped my flask and you picked it up, what happened?" He asks me staring into my eyes.

I look away from his eyes, shaking my head. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. If I did anything wrong, I'm sorry. I was still pretty shaken up from almost dying from merpeople." I say, laughing lightly to play it off. "You can tell a lot about a person by their eyes. Did you know that." He says still staring at me. I glanced back really quick. "Oh yeah?" I ask him. "Back in the dark ages, when Lord Voldemort reigned, him and his followers used the Imperious Curse, to bend people to their will that they needed on their side. When Voldemort disappeared, we had to deal with and sort out the liars from the people who actually were under that curse." He steps closer to me. "How would you know which ones were telling the truth and which ones were liars?" I ask still not looking at him. He smiles a cold smile. "Their eyes."He whispers. I try not to react. "The eyes are a window to one's soul." He continues.

"The liars, you see, either their eyes would give them away, or their actions. Say, they wouldn't meet my gaze." He says, implying what I'm doing right now. I full turn towards him and stare at him. "I'm not a liar. You just intimidate me." I tell him. He looks into my eyes as I lie the best I can. He looks away over the bridge.
"Do you know how high this bridge is?" He asks me, his voice going cold. I stare at him, his eyes hard. "I think I should go." I tell him. I get a few feet away, when he speaks up again. "Would you like to know about your mother?" I freeze. I turn around to face him again, to see him slightly smirking. "How would you know anything about my mother?" I ask him, annoyed.

"Because your mother was one of the many people who was under the imperious curse." He says. My eyes widen. "What?" I ask in shock. He says looking at me. "Have I peaked your interest?" He says amused. I walk back over to him and stand beside him again. When he doesn't speak, I do. "What would he have wanted with my mother?" I ask him curiously. He looks at me. "Because you're mother was a Magical Empath." My eyes widen.

He sees my face and raises his eyes in curiosity, but continues. "A powerful one too. She was trying to live a Muggle life. Married a Muggle. Was with child." He says pointing at me. I look over the bridge, processing this new information about my mother. "So he used the Imperious Curse to bend her to his will? Do his bidding?" I ask him.

"Yes and no. She said Voldemort wasn't the one who used the curse on her. It was one of his Death Eaters. She claimed she never knew who he was. Said he always kept his mask on." He explains to me. My mind goes back to the night she was killed. The bright green light flashes in my head. Running in to find my mother dead on the ground. Looking up to see a man in a long dark clock and hood, with a dark cloth eye flap, showing his eyes. "That's who killed her, wasn't it?" I ask, already knowing the answer. He nods. "I'm telling you this, because I think you may be a Magical Empath, just like her." He says looking for any answers through my facial expressions. I widen my eyes, acting as if I have no idea. He stares into my eyes. "I thought maybe that day at the lake that's why you got skittish around me. I thought maybe you felt or seen something." He says staring hard at my face. I shake my head in fake disbelief. He makes a humming noise. Like a murmur.

He walks to the other side of me. "Amaze." He mumbles walking away from me. I stare off after him in confusion. Amaze what?

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