Chapter 12

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"Cassy." I feel someone nudging me. I groan and roll over telling them, "Go away." I hear a sigh and a door shut. I smile thinking she left. I suddenly felt weightless and open my eyes. I gasp as she levitated me out of the bed and dropped me into to floor. "What the fuck?" I yell. She screams as I chase her out of the room and down the staircase. She's in the open common room now as I burst in right behind her. I stop when I see the trio. I look at her glaring as she hides behind Harry.

"Cassy. We're worried about you." Hermione starts. I laugh humorlessly. "Yeah, Cass." Ron says. "We're sorry about Malfoy-" Hermione nudged her elbow into his side. He shoots her a glare before continuing. "I mean, Draco." He corrects with distaste clear in his voice. I shake my head at him. "But you are a strong, independent-" He pulls a paper out of his pocket, reading what Hermione wrote for him. My eyes widen in disbelief at him. "Woman. And you don't need him." He says reading off the paper. He puts it back in his pocket, smiling, proud of himself.

Hermione rubs her face with her hands in frustration at him. "You can't even think of your own words, why should I listen to anything you say." I exclaim to him. His narrows his eyes at me, offended. "I mean, if only someone told you over the years, what a right foul git Malfoy is and how terrible he has treated everyone-" He pauses as if he's in thought. "Oh, wait, I DID!" He said dripping with sarcasm. Hermione pushes him back telling him to go to the far side of the room. "I'm just saying." He says in his defense.

Hermione turns back to me, as soon as she does, Ron flips me the middle finger. "Shove it." I tell him. Harry laughs as Hermione tells Ron to stop. "Cassy. I'm really sorry about Draco." She says sincerely. I nod, acknowledging her apology. "Me too." I say quietly. She walks towards me giving me a hug. After the hug, I look to Harry. "You don't have to say anything. I know y'all are enemies." I tell him.

He nods. "Yeah, but I am sorry your heart is broken. Y'all seemed... happy... together." You could tell it was hard getting the word happy and Draco involved in the same sentence. But he was trying. "Blimey." Ron scoffs in the corner. I throw the closest thing to me at him. Which happens to be a book. "Ow!" He yells rubbing his head.

Harry and Abby laugh as Hermione runs over and makes sure her book is okay. Ron looks at her in disbelief. "What about me? I'm the one who got hit with a book!" He says incredulously. "Well if you weren't so insensitive, that wouldn't have happened." She tells him annoyed. He throws his hands up in the air. "I give up." He says plopping down into a chair. "I'm sorry." I tell him.

His head snaps towards me, the anger on his face softening. "I'm sorry too." He says. Hermione let's our a breath, grateful we're getting along for a second. "Sorry you fell for a dick." He finishes it. Hermione head snaps up to look at him. "Ronald!" She says anger lacing her words. "No it's fine. He's right." I tell them. Everyone in the room looks to me. "If I would've listened, I would have never ended up in this position in the first place." I say solemnly. Everyone looks at me like I'm ready to snap at them if they agree with me. Except Ron. He has the biggest grin on his face. "I told you so." Now I snapped. I ran at him and Harry's arm wraps around me right before I reach him. "Blimey. I told you she's psychotic." He says hiding behind Hermione.

"Put me down." Harry listens and sets me down. "How about we go eat? It's the only thing that seems to shut Ron up." I grumble. Harry hums in agreement. We all walk down to the great hall together. It's dinner time, seeing as I've been in bed since yesterday morning. I hadn't moved a muscle in a day and a half. "Sit with us." Hermione encourages. I nod smiling at her. At least I have good friends to help me get through this. We all sit down and fill our plates up. I look over to Ron, throwing him a glare, but he doesn't notice as he pigs out on his food.

I smirk thinking of a way to strike a nerve. "Hey, Hermione." I say catching her attention. "How's it going with Viktor?" Ron chokes on the food that was in his mouth. Harry spits his drink back into his cup, laughing. Hermione gives them both looks. "Good, I guess. I mean, we don't really have a lot in common. He kinda just sits there watching me study. It's a bit of annoying really." She tells me. I frown hoping it was a more juicer story to get back at Ron. "He's hot." Abby says. I nod along with Abby in agreement.

"What about Cedric?" Abby says. "Cedric is attractive." Hermione agrees with her, knowing what she was leading to. I roll my eyes. "I literally just got dumped." I tell them. "Were y'all even together?" Ron speaks up. Everyone's heads snap towards him. He pauses chewing whatever was in his mouth. "What? I'm being serious, y'all weren't even boyfriend and girlfriend." He stated nonchalantly. "Fuck off." I say to Ron. He throws his hands up in defense. "Just staring the obvious." He grunts as Hermione flung her leg under the table to kick him in his shin.

He gives me a fake grin. "I'm sorry, Cassy. Forgive me?" He says. I roll my eyes at his form of apology. "You should totally date Cedric now." He says going back to eating. I laugh at him. "For once, I agree with Ron." Abby speaks up. I look at her like she's crazy. "You and Cedric would look good together." Hermione says. She gives Harry a look. "Oh, yeah. So cute together."  He says unconvincingly. "Can we just eat for now? Please?" I ask them. They mutter in agreement for my sake. I go to take a sip of my drink and when it touched my lips, I saw someone staring and accidentally caught there eye.

I stare at Draco for a moment. His face void of any emotion or expression. Just staring. I look away, not being able to handle it. I look back to my friends, ignoring that gut feeling telling me to look back just one more time.

Draco's POV

I wake up dreading the day. Even though I'm under the imperious curse, cast by my father, it's still hard having to face the day and live with the fact, I lost her. But more importantly, I hurt her. I hate that I hurt her. I hate myself. My family. Everything.

I walk out of the common room on my way to breakfast when the two blithering idiots follow me. "So Draco, what happend with Acker?" Goyle asks. I scoff at them. "Like it's any of your fucking business." Blaise walks up at this point. "So she's fair game then, right?" Blaise says overhearing our conversation.

I slam him against the wall holding him by his collar, I get in his face. "Don't even fucking thing about it, Zabini." I say. I release him from my grip and storm off. I enter the great hall heading to my seat. As I'm walking, I side glance to see if Cassy was at her table. She wasn't. I sigh in relief, glad I didn't have to see her. Seeing her will only make this harder on both of us.

Crabbe and Goyle sit down across from me, not meeting my gaze. I smirk. I scared the shit out of them grabbing Zabini like that. Good. Now no one will ask me about her. As I was eating, I heard her laugh ring in my ears. I snap my head up and look at her table, but she isn't there. I scan the room and finally see her, laughing, at the Gryffindor table. I narrow my eyes seeing her sitting with Potter and Weasley. Ron says something to piss her off and I notice Granger kick his leg under the table. Whatever he said next, made her laugh again. I see Abby speak up agreeing with whatever the topic was.

I see Granger say something too, and then look at Harry, and he agrees too. I can't help but to stare at her. The way her hair falls down her shoulders. Her blue eyes twinkling when she laughs. I was so distracted thinking about the things I love about her, that I didn't even notice when she looked up at me. She was taking a sip of whatever was in her cup, and caught me staring. She stared back for a moment before looking away back to her friends.

I finally tear my eyes away from her looking back to my food realizing I'm not that hungry anymore. I storm out. Earning a few glances from some people. I run all the way down towards the quidditch pitch, knowing no one would be there at this early time. I run to the center of the field and stop, dropping to my knees. I scream.

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