Chapter Five

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"Cassy!" Harry yells running from up behind you. You turn around as he grabs you and pulls you off to a secluded corner. "What's got your knickers in a twist?" I say as he tries to catch his breath.


I raise my eyebrows. "Excuse me?" I say to him, confused. He takes one more deep breath before saying, "Dragons. That's the first task." My mouth drops wide open. "Seriously?" I say again, as if I misunderstood him. He nods. "Hagrid told me. Last night. He showed me." I look around to see if anyone else had heard. No one seemed to be paying any attention to us. "Shit." Was all I managed to get out. "What the hell are we supposed to with dragons?" He shakes his head.

"I have no clue." He notices something behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Cedric walking over to his friends. His friends who made humiliating badges of booing Harry and praising Cedric. I look back to Harry to him excusing himself. "I'm going to go tell Cedric." I nod at him as he walks away. I continue walking when Abby comes around the corner. My eyes widen and I do a 360 turn in an attempt to get away from her. "Oh no you don't!" She says running up behind me and spinning me back around.

"I knew you snuck out early to avoid me." She says annoyed. "To be fair, I was trying to avoid everyone. Not just you." I explain to her. "Why did you do it?" She asks. I grumble out of annoyance. "I didn't. Someone else did. No clue who." I tell her trying to get her off my back. I continue walking and she runs up behind me to catch back up. "Wow. Who would do such a thing?" Lucious.

"I have no idea. But whoever did it, might've been the same person who put Harry's name in also." I lie. She froze in her steps. "I think I might know who." She said surprisingly. I stop in my tracks. Staring at her waiting for her answer.
She yanks my arm and pulls me inside a classroom. "Why does everyone keep pulling my arms?" I said getting annoyed.

She shuts the door, and takes a look around the room making sure it was empty. "Igor." I pause and looked at her. "Who the fuck is that?" I say confused.
She rolls her eyes. "Igor Karkaroff." It takes me a minute to process the name she said but when I realized who she was referring to, my eyes widen in shock. "The Durmstrang Institutes Headmaster?" She nods.

"Why do you think it was him?" She sighs before speaking again. "Last night, after everyone left the room where you could enter the contest, I was waiting around looking for you. I hadn't realized you had already run off somewhere. So when I came back looking for you, I seen Igor and hid around the corner. He looked all around before shutting himself in the room all alone with the Goblet of fire." She finishes. "Wow." Is all I managed to get out. "I just don't understand why he would do that to Harry. Or me." She bites her lip wanting to say something but stops herself. "What do you know?" I ask her. She sighs. "I'm not supposed to say. But," she continues on anyways, "I overheard a conversation between my parents about him. He used to be a death eater. A follower of you-know-who's." She said quietly, as if we would get in trouble for even speaking of this.

I gasp at the news. "It would make sense on why he would put Harry in. Revenge for his master he killed." I whisper yell back at her. She nods. I sit down trying to process the news. She sits down next to me. "Should we tell someone? Go to Dumbledore?" She ponders out loud. I shake my head no. "Not yet. We don't have proof it was him. It could've been anyone." She nods along with me, agreeing.

"What are you two doing?" Professor Snape says standing in the doorway. We stand up in shock, not even hearing that he came in. "N-nothing, professor." Abby says quickly, but stuttering. He glares at us as we run out of the room.

"I'll see you later." She says, walking away far away from where Snape is. I start off down the hall putting distance between Snape and myself as well. I look up to see Draco and his friends making their way down the hall. Bullying people as they pass them. He sees me coming up and as he was passing me, I went to say something, and Goyle slapped my books out of my hands, knocking them all over the floor. I look up to Draco to see what he was going to do. He just smirked and walked off. As I bent down to pick my books up, they were walking by, instead of tripping Goyle like he deserved, I tripped Draco instead. The smirk wiped off his face when he hit the ground. He turned around to probably yell at me, but I was already gone. I could hear faint laughing from people around.

I smile to myself until I felt a pair of hands shove me lightly against the wall. "You think that's funny, do you?" Draco says in my eye line. I smirk at him just like he does to me all the time. "A little." I go to push him off of me. He holds me against the wall for a few more seconds. "Next time trip the one who hurt you. Not me." He says letting me go. "I did." Was all I said. He looks at me with a little hurt in his eyes. "I'm not the one who tripped you." He says accusingly.

"'No, but you let it happen." I say walking away from him. "Good luck tomorrow." He says before leaving me alone in the empty hallway.

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