Chapter Two

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A week has passed since that night with Draco. I've tried to catch him after classes, but he rushes out before I can catch him. At meals, I look to the Slytherin table to try and catch his attention, but he avoids my gaze.

I was in transfiguration class when a flying note lands in front of me. I open the note to read, "Meet me in the dungeons in our spot after curfew. D."

I turn around to take a look at him and he winks at me. "Our spot?" I mouth at him with a questioning look. He nods. I roll my eyes and crumple the note in front of him. "I don't respond to nods. Only words." I tell him. The small smirk he had in his face turns into a frown. Annoyed, he scoffs and went back to his work.

Class ended and I was walking back to the common room when Abby, one of my other dorm mates, caught up to me. "Hey, Cassy." I smile at her and say hi back. "So I couldn't help but notice a little tension back there." She hinted about Draco and I. I roll my eyes. "It's not important." I told her curtly. She put her hands up in defeat. "Hey, don't get mad at me. What did Malfoy do to get your panties in a wad anyways?"

We made it back to the dorm as I told her, "He wants me to meet him after curfew tonight. For what, I don't know." Her eyes widen in shock. "Draco Malfoy wants to see you? Tonight? Why?" She questions. I shrug my shoulders. "No clue." 

"Give me all the details after, yeah?" I nod in her direction before heading back out of the common room. I began walking around the castle when I bump into Harry. "Oh, hey." He smiled brightly at me and said hello back. "Are you coming to the quidditch game tomorrow? We're playing against Slytherin." I nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it. Think you'll win?" Harry went to answer me back but was interrupted by someone eavesdropping on our conversation. "Doubtful. Fucking Gryffindorks." Draco said coming up behind me.

Harry was fuming. "Piss off, Malfoy." Draco laughed. "Good one, Potter. Acker here will be coming to cheer me on." He said leaning against the wall behind me, smirking at me. "Maybe I will. And then after, I'll ignore you like you don't exist for an entire week." I say walking away leaving Draco still leaning against the wall with an annoyed expression.

At dinner that night, I kept feeling someone's stare. Knowing who and where it was coming from, I ignore it. I had dinner as usual and went straight back to the dorm after.

I was laying in bed trying my hardest to sleep, but failing. "Fuck." I sigh and got up deciding to go see him. I snuck out of our part of the tower and slowly made my way to the dungeons, making sure to not get caught.

I rounded the corner to the spot in the wall we hid in last time. "About bloody time." He spat stepping out. I scoff and turn back around, about to head back in the same direction I came from. I stop when he grabs my arm. I look back to see his regretful face. "I don't mean to be mean to you." He says. I raise my eyebrows at his apology. "Draco Malfoy apologizing?" I said mocking him. He rolled his eyes letting go of my arm. "I don't apologize. To anyone." He stated turning around.

I follow behind him, catching up to walk side by side. "Do you do this all the time? Walk around the castle late at night?" He shrugs. "Sometimes. I can't really sleep most of the time. And I'm not staying in that godforsaken common room with Goyle farting all night long." I laugh at his last statement, earning a small smile from him. "That's gross." I say still laughing. He nods, "Have you seen him? He's a bloody mess." He says. "Isn't he your friend?" I ask him. He scoffs. "I don't have friends. I have people I talk to more than others. But no, he's not my friend." He states, a hint of sadness behind us words. I wouldn't even have noticed if it wasn't for my powers. "I'm trying to be your friend." I said quietly. He rounds a corner, ignoring what I just said. "You'll regret it."  He finally says sorrowful. I sigh but let it go.

"Why is it hard for you anyways?" He looks at me. "What?" He asks. "Why is it so hard for you to be nice to anyone? I don't think I've ever heard you say a nice thing." I said. Then I stop again to say, "Actually," he turns to look at me, waiting for me to answer. "The other day, when you misheard Ron Weasley, you asking if I was okay. That was the nicest thing Ive ever heard you say."

"I hate Weasley. I was just trying to find a reason to beat his ass." He smirks. "Don't do that." I say looking at the ground ahead of us. "Don't do what?" He asks me confused. "Cover up something nice you did." He stop to walking to lean against the wall. "I'm not nice." He says, reaching up the wall to grab a banner that was up there.

As he as stretching, I notice something on his stomach where his shirt pulled up. Without thinking I reached up and raised his shirt another inch or two. "Oh my god, Draco." I said staring at the green and purple bruise. He jumps down and yanks his shirt back down. "What the hell is wrong with you!" He yells at me. I look around waiting for a teacher to come out and catch us after his outburst. "Shh! Someone will hear you." He gets in my face, angrier than I think I've ever seen him. "Does it look like I care? My father practically owns this school and teachers. I can do anything I want. Unlike you. Do you even have parents?" He sneers at me. I falter a step back at the words he threw at me.

His angry expression falters a bit when he sees the hurt on my face. He sighs and covers his face. "I didn't mean that." I shake my head at him. I turn away to storm off when he grabs my arm again. When he touched me, I felt sadness and regret. He really didn't mean to say it. "You can't just say things like that to me and expect me to not be upset." I say quietly, hurt. He lets go of my arm. "I know." He says. I turn to walk away again, expecting him to grab my arm again, but he doesn't. He lets me walk away. I get halfway down the hall when I swear I heard him say, "Yeah, leave. Everyone always leaves." He says. I turn back to look at him but he's just staring at the ground then slowly walks the other direction.

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